Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 631.61

Environmental and economic efficiency of vermicomposting biotechnology for organic waste

The technology of organic raw materials processing with the help of its settlement with manure worms to produce organic fertilizers is considered. The creation of a deficit-free balance of organic matter in soils is a prerequisite to the intensification of agriculture. An integrated biotechnology of organic waste processing using earthworms is developed, in which alcohol production waste and hog waste are used. Recycling in the process of supply organic residues with soil mineral particles, worms enrichit with their own microflora. The use of organic fertilizer in the form of biocompost improves soil fertility due to their enrichment with humus compounds, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Field studies on establishment of the effect of vermicompost on soy bean yields in the training farm "Kuban" are described. Soya gives a good crop yield only on soils rich in organic matter. Field experiments with vermicompost introduction under crops of soybeans have confirmed the creation of favorable conditions for the development of biological nitrogen. Even a one-time application of vermicompost improves soil properties and stabilizes the environmental situation of the reclaimed land. Thus, the developed biotechnology allows disposition of alcohol production wastes and livestock wastewater solids in complex. This results in environment preservation, reduction of negative impacts on atmospheric air, groundwater pollution reduction. The application of new biotechnology of livestock effluents and alcohol production is economically feasible.
Keywords: Vermicomposting, irrigation, protection of land, protection of water resources, waste management, environmental and economic performance
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-190-193


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  1. Safronova Tatyana Ivanovna, Dr. technical sciences, professor of mathematics department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Poltorak Yan Aleksandrovich, assistant professor, department of hydraulics and agricultural water supply, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.