Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 639.3.043/636
GSNTI: 69.25.15.

Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of juvenile fish at feeding the coal feed additive (AUKD)

Purpose of the research is the study of the active coal feed additive (AUKD) impact in compound feed on the growth rate, safety, morphological and biochemical indices of blood of juvenile sturgeon. In the context of South Centre of Sturgeon Breeding, Yeisk, the Krasnodar Territory the scientific and economic experiment was held in closed-circuit installations at the yearling stud stage. The new coal feed additive under consideration is made of active charcoal. Adding it to the composition of the basic diet has a positive effect on the performance of growth and development, safety, payment of food production, morphological and biochemical indices of blood: increase of growth rate of fish fry by 5,3-10,2%, costs reduction for feed and nutrients - by 6,9-11,3%per 1 kg weight gain. Hemoglobin content in the blood of fish fed with AUKD increases by 12,1-14,4%. The number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood of fish was within the physiological range and was indicative of good health and the absence of an inflammatory process in the fish. Platelets significantly increased in the experimental groups: by 14,9-18,4%. Significant increase in total protein in serum is observed in the third group - by 9.7%, and in the fourth - by 10.9%. A reduction in the glucose content in the body of young is established in the second group on 10,3-30,8%. As a result of AUKD feeding a significant decrease in serum cholesterol in fish by 17,7-27,4% was observed. In general, when using AUKD in the diets of young sturgeon, there is a positive effect on metabolism. The mechanism of the positive effects of active coal feed additive should be attributed to adsorption of toxic substances present in animal feed, and in the aquatic environment.
Keywords: затраты кормов, Sturgeon, active carbon feed additive, slaughter yield, feeds costs, safety,
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-156-160


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  1. Chernyshov Eugeniy Viktorovich, Director, “South Centre of Sturgeon Breeding”, Yeisk.
  2. Maksim Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, PhD in biology, the deputy director, “South Centre of Sturgeon Breeding”, Yeisk.
  3. Yurina Natalia Aleksandrovna, Dr.of agricultural sciences, a leading researcher of the laboratory of feeding and physiology of farm animals, «North-Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry», Krasnodar.
  4. Kononenko Sergey Ivanovich, Dr. of agricultural sciences, associate professor, professor of physiology and animal feeding department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.