Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 332.145
GSNTI: 06.39.02

State planning and development programming of agricultural logistics centers in the Krasnodar Territory

The development problems of the Krasnodar Territory Agrarian and Industrial Complexare revealed associated with the scarcity of wholesale and distribution centers equipped with modern equipment for storaging and processing of vegetables and fruits. The documents of strategic and program-oriented planning of storage and primary processing of agricultural products are analyzed that point out the main areas of logistics flows organization in the region. The prospects and implementation of logistics centers construction Concept effectiveness and modernization of agricultural production and procurement sector in the Krasnodar Territory is given assessment to. The necessity of priority support for small farms using a variety of government regulation tools is substantiated, including subsidies for reimbursement of the interest rate on short-term loans for crop and livestock production processing. The priority trends for further implementation of the development measures in the Krasnodar Territory of wholesale and distribution centers logistics system are substatiated, including the development and implementation of municipal programs for the development of logistics centers based on agricultural consumer cooperatives; the formation of effectiveness monitoring system and ensuring the consulting support for the development of agricultural logistics.
Keywords: The Krasnodar Territory, Agrarian and Industrial Complex, agricultural logistics center
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-15-20


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  1. Artemova Elena Igorevna, Dr. of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of economic theory, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Plotnikova Elena Vladimirovna, sr instructor of the department of state and municipal management, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.