Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 581.9 (23.0) (470.6)
GSNTI: 34.29.35

The Phytocenotic role and resource importance Symphytum asperum Lepech., Boraginaceae) in the mountain forest communities of Lagonack plateau (Northwest Caucasus)

The phytocenotic role and resource importance of comfrey (Symphytum asperum) in the mountain forest communities of Lagonaki plateau has been revealed. Phenological observations of comfrey have been conducted in different zones of the mountain-forest belt of the Lagonaki plateau. The results of the study of productivity, operational stock, as well as the possibility of comfrey annual harvesting in the plant communities of the region are provided. Preparations from the roots of comfrey are used in the treatment of wounds, tumors, boils, bronchitis, sore throat, bone fractures, fungal infections, inflammation of the gums, sciatica, hemorrhoids, various skin diseases, diseases of the joints. Infusions, decoctions, alcoholic extract of comfrey root are used for the treatment of livestock: the udder diseases in cattle and small ruminants; for wounds on the legs and back of the horses; for gastric disorders in calves, kids, lambs, piglets.
Keywords: Comfrey, mountain-forest plant communities, phytocenotic role, productivity, operational stock, resource value
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-106-110


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  1. Krivorotov Sergey Borisovich, Dr. Sci (Biol.), Professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Bukareva Olga Valentinovna, PhD, Assistant Professor, Kuban State University.
  3. Kassanelli Damеnik Pavlovich, sr instructor, Kuban State University.
  4. Arkhipov Ruslan Aleksandrovich, postgraduate, Kuban State University.