Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 632.934
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Application of iodine for wheat plant protection from diseases

In terms of total use of antibiotics and fungicides to protect plants from pathogenic microorganisms and the real threat of the emergence of resistance to them, the emergence of aggressive races and strains the problem of finding new antiseptics to protect plants from plant pathogens remains actual. Among them, iodine-based drugs having strong antiseptic effect and not creating the resistance of pathogens, but they are widely used in veterinary and medicine, and almost not used for the protection of plants due to phytotoxicity of iodine. Therefore, when they are used to process plants, the latter do not only slow down their growth and development andreduce yielding capacity, but they even perish completely. That is why of interest is the search of concentrations when iodine will have a depressing effect on the phytopathogens and development of ways to minimize phytotoxicity of iodine by using tank mixtures (with growth regulators and cellular metabolites) based on it in order to protect plants from disease. This was the main goal of our research. As a result of the experiments a concentration of the iodine-base drug Farmayod was chosen providing suppression of pathogens, for removal of iodine toxicity it is recommended to include growth regulators into the tank mixture (potassium Humat K or Melafen) or cellular metabolites (amino acid methionine). It was found that the iodine based tank mixes provide effective protection of plants against bacterial and fungal infections (for example, the brown and wheat stem rust).
Keywords: Plant protection, bacteriosis, brown and wheat steam rust, iodine, melafen, metionine, gumat K, fungicide, farmaiod
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-100-105


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  1. Kotlyarov Denis Vladimirovich, PhD in biology, doctoral candidate of plant physiology and biochemistry department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.