Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.9: 631.5
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Formation of the adaptive set of ornamental plants in ARHIBAN

Basic principles, directions of forming and maintaining adaptive in central Russia set of ornamental plants were formulated, which rely in their work employees of laboratory Ornamental Plants in ARHIBAN. Created stored for several decades in this institute collection of ornamental plants that are winter-hardy and highly resistant to a complex of environmental factors, it is a specific source for reproduction and introduction of valuable plants in gardening of settlements of central Russia. The creation of such core collections in various regions of Russia, different soil and climatic conditions, it is important for the containment of the spread from abroad planting material, which is often a source of dangerous diseases and pests. In accordance with the principle of minimizing the cost for growing ornamental plants preference shrubs and herbaceous perennials; almost eliminated the breeding and keeping of annual and low winter-hardy perennials, hard-propagated species and cultivars Much attention is devoted to planting dates and planting schemes, as well as timely treatment pesticides and other elements of growing. Methods of propagation of cultivated plants are optimized. Representative collection of generic complexes, especially peonies, irises, lilies, phlox, are the basis for the conduct of selection and seed-growing work on improving the set of the popular plants, increasing the share of domestic cultivars of herbaceous perennials in the set. For this purpose, when changing composition in collections should be preferred fertile cultivars. The development of compositions from plants including in containers with properties to improve the environment is recognized as a promising and popular direction that provides creation of the most comfortable environment for people.
Keywords: Ornamental plants, adaptability, plant collection, selection, seed


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  1. Artyukhova Antonina Victorovna, head laboratory of Ornamental Plants, All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery.
  2. Sorokopudova Olga Anatolievna, doctor of Biological Science, leading researcher Laboratory of Ornamental Plant, All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery.