Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 631.559:631.524.85:633.16:470.53
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Studying new varieties of barley on adaptability of varieties, ecological plasticity and stability under the conditions of Ural Region

Five-year results of studying new varieties of barley selected by North-Eastern selection center and other selection centers on efficiency and adaptability of varieties In the conditions of Perm Region are presented. The grain productivity was created at the level of the standard - 3,23-3,64 t/ha, the variability is weak (coefficient of variation 16-33%).High tillering ability had variety Ecologist - 1,3. Varieties Rodnik Prikamye, 102-03,1370-99 had tillering ability 1,0. Multi-row varieties 1007-99, Vakula did not have high tillering ability, coefficient of productive tillering 0,6-0,7. The length of the ear of studied varieties varied was 4,8 to 7,3 cm. Varieties Jaromir forms maximum number of grains in spikelet - 20,6 pieces, 1370-99 - 17,7 pieces, multi-row varieties forms the number of grains in the spikelet 24,2-30,0 pieces. 1000-grain weight of two-rowed varieties was on average 43,9-54,7 g, multi -rowed varieties have 1000-grain weight 36,0-43,3 g. Variety Pamyaty Rodinoy formed the largest grain (1000-grain weight - 54,7 g). Productivity of grain plant in experience of all varieties is closely related with productive tillering (r=0,71-0,92), o 1000- grain weight (r=0,57-0,93) and weighting grain of one plant (r=0,75-0,90). The highest level of cost-effectiveness 83-87% provided variety 126-04, 1370-99. High level of specific adaptive ability had varieties 126-04 and 1370-99, high level of specific adaptive stability had 102-03, 752-96, 1370-99; greatest responsiveness of improvement conditions of cultivation 1007-99, 126-04. The best results of efficiency adaptability of varieties and stability under the conditions of West Ural have been established Ecologist, Rodnik Prikamye, 1370-99.
Keywords: Barley, variety, productivity, adaptability of varieties, stability, ecological plasticity, Perm Region


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  1. Bessonova Lyudmila Vladimirovna, senior research; Of laboratory seed crops, FSBSI Perm-Research Institute of Agriculture.
  2. Nevolina Kseniya Nikolaevna, Phd, head; Of laboratory seed crops, FSBSI Perm-Research Institute of Agriculture.
  3. Vyatkina Rimma Ivanovna, senior research; Of laboratory seed crops, FSBSI Perm-Research Institute of Agriculture.