Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 631.1:0.02:633.853.52:631.521(571.61)

Efficiency of varietal technologies of soybean cultivation in the Amur region

Soybean is a high-protein oilseed crop and its production in Russia has been growing rapidly for the last five years. The variety assortment in the Amur region has changed by more than half for 5 years that leads, in turn, to the change in varietal technologies of soybean cultivation. In order to get the greatest effect from application, each varietal technology requires economic evaluation, taking into account the varietal characteristics, the most important of which are oil content and high protein content. In this regard, research on the improvement of economic evaluation of the cultivation efficiency of soybean varieties is of current importance today. The article presents an economic evaluation of modern technologies for cultivation of different soybean varieties and their basic elements, which, thanks to the optimal combination with the varietal characteristics, allow increasing the profitability of its production through the improvement of crop rotations, competent selection of varieties, seeding rate, sowing width, means of weed control, as well as adaptive and innovative resource-saving technologies. Based on the evaluation of economic efficiency of the generated directions for the improvement of soybean cultivation techniques, has been suggested the algorithm for the choice of technology and technological methods depending on the material and technical equipment of the enterprise. The developed algorithm allows finding the most advantageous and economically efficient agricultural methods and technologies for soybean cultivation, taking into account the varietal characteristics. The presented algorithm can be increased and expanded during the accumulation of a larger number of experiments with different varieties and technologies, the most profitable of which may be further included in the given algorithm.
Keywords: Efficiency, soybean, Amur region, technology, variety, algorithm, crop rotation, seeding rate, sowing width, herbicides, FSBSI ARSRIS


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  1. Sinegovskaya Valentina Timofeevna, Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Scientific Research Institute of Soybean.
  2. Sinegovskii Mikhail Olegovich, senior researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Soybean.