Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.21:631.521:631.523:575 (571.61)
GSNTI: 68.35.49

Creation of varieties and hybrids of potato, having agro-ecological adaptation, on the basis of comprehensive study of genetic diversity of crop in conditions of Amur River Region

The article presents the main results of research work, conducted in 2001-2015, on practical selection of potato in Amur River Region. There are results of experimental work on the improvement of technological methods at separate stages of selection process, the use of which in local soil and climatic conditions has increased the efficiency of hybridization by 12,6-17,0%. As a result of comprehensive study of the potato assortment in collectionnursery have been picked out the sources of increasedproductivity, resistance to negative effects of environment and phytopathogens, with high marketability and starchiness of tubers, as well as their high consumer qualities (Aljona, Almaz, Lazar, Lybid, Veteran, Golubizna, Kondor, BolshoyHingan, TsvetokHeihe and others). Promising hybrid material has been obtained; its comprehensive assessment is carried out in breeding nursery. The forms with positive economic and ecological-morphological indicators have been picked out. The perspective sort patterns, which have a high adaptive potential and exceed the standards on economically-valuable characteristics have been obtained. The mid-ripening potato variety Valesenka, with potential tuber productivity of 45-55 t/ha, has been created and transferred to the State strain testing.
Keywords: Potato breeding, selection process, varieties, hybrids, sort patterns, tuber productivity, marketability, starchiness, adaptive potential


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  1. Rafalsky Sergey Vasilevich, Cand. Arg. Ski., Associate Professor, head of laboratory of cereals, fodder crops and potato, All-Russian SSRI of soybean.