Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.16:581.5
GSNTI: 68.37.31

Environmental impact on the resistance of spring barley varieties and lines to the most dangerous pathogens, and on the realization of their productive qualities

In Priamurye because of bad phytosanitary situation fungal diseases are widespread in barley crops. Grain yield loss in epiphytotic years exceeds 40%. Efficient and economically safe method of crop protection against phytopathogens is selection and cultivation of adapted varieties with high productivity potential. During the research the immunological assessment of current gene pool of barley in the conditions of Priamurye was conducted. The varieties which combine resistance to a number of dominating pathogens with high grain productivity were determined among the varieties of far-eastern and foreign selection. Among them - resistant to Helminthosporium gramineum (spot blotch): Ricotense 9 (Khabarovsk Kray), Primorsky 123 (Primorsky Kray), K-28088, K-28641 (Mexico), Codac (Canada), K-27318 (Czech Republic); and 1 (3,7%) - resistant to Bipolaris sorokiniana: Kazminsky (FEARI). Based on the set of economically valuable characteristics there were isolated 10 naked and 16 filmy varieties for further use in selection. In difficult soil and climatic conditions of the region filmy barley varieties are more productive than naked ones. Among foreign varieties most productive are French and Canadian samples; among Khabarovsk breeding - cultivars Erofey, Kazminsky and hybrids Sh-3, Sh-4. Maximum productivity is formed only at the early sowing dates - in the beginning of the second part of April. Naked barley varieties in optimal conditions of vegetation period have productivity between 4,12 and 5,96 tons per hectare, filmy - between 4,82 and 6,7 t/ha.
Keywords: Barley, varieties, immunological assessment, fungal diseases, resistance, productivity, Khabarovsk Теrritori


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  1. Aseeva Tatiana Alexandrovna, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.
  2. Cherpak Vladimir Fedorovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.
  3. Makarova Marina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.
  4. Semenova Lubov Grigorievna, Senior Researcher, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.