Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 634.232:631.526.3:632.4
GSNTI: 68.37.07

Selectional possibilities of creation of the varieties and forms of sweet cherry resistant to the coccomyces blight

The results of a mass evaluation of the varieties, perspective forms and seedlings of sweet cherry on the lesion by the coccomyces blight in the steppe Crimea have expounded. The studied genotypes have a different immunological tolerance to disease by the coccomyces blight. The varieties were classified on the groups of the susceptibility to a pathogen: high-resistant, resistant, little-susceptible, susceptible and the most susceptible. No one a high-resistant sample was revealed among the regional and introduced varieties. 8 resistant varieties (3,0%) were selected: Yantarnaya, U371, Szoniolyai-215, Tommu, Transportabelnaya, Orlovskaya Yantarnaya mut. 768, АМ-28-7-17, Rekordistka. 38 varieties (14,5%) were referred to the little-susceptible group. A controlling variety Drogana Zhyoltaya with an estimate 1,8 was referred to this group too. One high-resistant sample was revealed among perspective forms - № 21-25. And seven resistant forms (№ 474, № 366, № 291, № 107, 19-27, 19-27sz, № 601) and twenty one little-susceptible forms were selected among perspective forms. One high-resistant genotype (with an estimate 0,9), twenty nine resistant and forty three little-susceptible samples were selected among seedlings of Nikita Botanical Gardens, what’s amounted of 33,8%. The most of all the resistant and little-susceptible seedlings were revealed from the families with the varieties Hebros (4), Transportabelnaya (5), Frantsiss (5), Bigarro Oratovskogo (6), Bigarreau Starking (17) and Lastochka (21). Using of sources of the coccomyces blight resistance in a breeding will increase an efficiency of a selection process on the tolerance to unfavorable biotic factors.
Keywords: Sweet cherry, genofond, selection, varieties, coccomyces blight, resistance


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  1. Lukichova Lyubov’ Aleksejevna, Cand. of biol. Sciences, Head of laboratory; Laboratory of steppe horticulture, Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  2. Tarasova Ekaterina Viktorovna, junior researcher; Laboratory of steppe horticulture, Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.