Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.18: 631.559: 631.531.01: 631.55
GSNTI: 68.35

Sowing qualities of seeds and productivity of rice varieties depending on environmental conditions and harvesting time

Krasnodar region is fully provided with seeds of domestic rice varieties. Production of seeds of modern high quality rice varieties allows obtaining good grain yield and contributes to varietal change in the region. Sowing qualities of rice seeds depend on several factors: varietal characteristics, cultivation technologies, environmental conditions, degree of grain ripeness, storage conditions, etc. The article presents results of study of formation of productivity elements and sowing qualities of seeds of 29 rice varieties of various ripening groups, sown in the collection nursery of the Institute in the conditions of Kuban rice growing area, for the period 2013-2015. It is shown that the biological characteristics of varieties forming individual plant productivity manifest differently in different years of studies. Rice varieties with stable formation of productive panicle with high-quality grain were selected: medium-ripening Polevik, Rapan, Khazar, Sonet, Orion and medium-late ripening Leader, Kurchanka, Kazachok-4. General trend for decreasing number of spikelets per panicle and grain size but forming seeds with better viability was detected in all the varieties in the conditions of hot and droughty year 2014. All medium-ripening varieties had seed viability lower than that of late-ripening varieties. The seeds of the same variety with greater mass do not always show a higher germination rate than that with a smaller size. Optimization of harvesting time for seeds of collection samples allows saving the accumulated rice gene pool. The results of evaluation of sowing qualities of seeds of seven rice varieties harvested in three terms, stored for two years in uncontrolled conditions, are presented. It is shown that early harvesting didn’t seriously effect quality of seeds of early-ripening varieties. However, the rate of seed aging is lower for varieties with a longer duration, harvested at a later date.
Keywords: Rice, variety, quality of seeds, viability, productivity elements, degree of grain ripeness, harvesting time


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  1. Korotenko Tatyana Leonidovna, Ph.D. in agriculture, senior scientist; Group of starting material, department of breeding, Rice Research Institute.
  2. Khorina Tatyana Andreevna, junior scientist; Group of starting material, department of breeding, Rice Research Institute.