Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 63.34:551.5 ДВ
GSNTI: 68.35.31

Techniques of varietal technology of soybean cultivation in hydrothermal conditions of Khabarovsk Territori

Soybean is very demanding crop to growing conditions. The realization of the potential of varietal productive qualities in difficult soil and climatic conditions requires the optimization of all factors of plant life. Khabarovsk Kray belongs to the area of risk farming, where improvement of water and air and nutritional regimes of soil is only possible by a combination of land reclamation and agrichemical methods. The level of realization of soybean potential productivity in region is determined by heat intensity and availability of moisture as in certain periods of its growth and development, as during growing season in general. Agriclimatic resources of the region allow to produce soybean yield at the level of 8,1-16,3 centners per hectare. The study of growth dynamics of effective leaf area allowed to determine that maximum leaf surface of plants is formed in close drill crops with the aisle width of 15 cm. The optimization of mineral nutrition by mineral fertilizers application contributes to the stabilization of productivity of the soybean cultivar Ivan Karamanov in adverse weather conditions. With a favorable combination of factors of life they ensure the implementation of the variety potential yield. The nutrition regime improvement contributes to the rise of variety productivity on 17,7-82,3%. The improvement of phytosanitary situation in soybean crops provides the increase in productivity on no less than 20,9%. Conducted research allowed us to develop the cultivation technology for the high-yield variety of soybean “Ivan Karamanov”, which contributes to the stabilization of productivity at 1,9-2,2 tons per hectare while the factors of life are unfavorable, and maximum realization of the productive potential of the variety at 4,8 tons per hectare while the conditions are optimal.
Keywords: Soybean, variety, hydrothermic conditions, mineral fertilizers, profiled surface, herbicides, plant density, productivity, Khabarovsk Territori


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  1. Aseeva Tatiana Alexandrovna, director doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute, Khabarovsk.
  2. Shukyurov Sergey Alexeevich, candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute, Khabarovsk.
  3. Palanitsa Sergey Romanovich, Senior Researcher, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute, Khabarovsk.