Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 633.367:631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.31

Lupin - breeding and adaptation in agro-landscapes of Russia

The article presents importance of lupin in solution of fodder protein problem. Soya and lupin are noted for their protein and its amino acids’ content. Attractiveness of lupin for Russia in contrast to soya is possibility to grow it in different regions practically without any limitations in soil and climatic conditions. Three annual lupin species used in country’s agriculture are narrow-leafed, yellow and white lupin. Among them white lupin has the highest grain productivity potential, its seed quality is close to soya bean (protein content is 36-40%, oil content is 10-12%). More over this lupin specie is rapid ripening, its yield is higher and it is more technological compared to soya. Geographical distribution of mid ripening narrow-leafed and white lupin varieties is offered taking into account the average sum of productive temperatures for some years and total rainfall during 110 days of vegetation period. Tendencies of white, narrow-leafed and yellow lupin breeding are shown. Methods for development of adaptive varieties and their characteristics have been described. In Russian Lupin Research Institute power-and-sugar-protein concentrate based on lupin has been developed and patented. Extensive introduction of new high yielded, adaptive to specific soil and climatic conditions lupin varieties and its products in agricultural industry will allow solving a problem of fodder protein and replacing imported expensive transgenic soya to a considerable extent in RF.
Keywords: White, narrow-leafed, yellow lupin, protein, breeding, variety, productivity, adaptation, geographical distribution, substitution of import


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  1. Artyukhov Alexandr Ivanovitch, Dr. of Sci., Professor, Director, Russian Lupin Research Institute.
  2. Lukashevitch Michail Ivanovitch, Dr. of Sci., Professor, Deputy Director, head of the white lupin breeding laboratory, Russian Lupin Research Institute.
  3. Ageeva Praskovya Alexeevna, candidate of Agric. Sci., head of the narrow-leafed lupin breeding laboratory, Russian Lupin Research Institute.
  4. Novik Natalya Valentinovna, candidate of Agric. Sci., head of the yellow lupin breeding laboratory, Russian Lupin Research Institute.