Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 633:631.52:631.531
GSNTI: 68.35.03:68.35.29

Selection, seed and perfection of technology of grain crops cultivation - key factors of stability of grain in the import substitution

In terms of import substitution of domestic breeding, seed production and improvement of zonal technologies of cultivation of crops in the conditions of a specific region are the main factors of grain production stabilization. BREEDER Siberian Research Institute for Agriculture carried out extensive work on the creation of new adaptive and high-yield varieties of crops with the potential grain productivity of 5,0-6,0 t/ha. At present, the State register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation registered 94 varieties of agricultural plant breeding our institute, including 71 varieties of cereals and legumes. Only in 2016 the Institute for public testing passed 9 varieties of cereals and legumes. Seed region is widely used accelerated reproduction of the system and the introduction of new varieties in agricultural production, due to which the reproduction of the new variety begins long before its inclusion in the State Register of Breeding Russian achievements, after the testing of new varieties in the department of seed and basic farm research and production system "Siberian seeds", thereby providing shortening implementation in 3-4 years and the rapid expansion of the area of planting of new high-yield varieties. Accelerated breeding new varieties is based on the use of specialized methods of cultivation of seed crops. One of the most important agricultural practices of cultivation of guaranteed high quality seed is the selection of the optimum planting period. Under the conditions of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia, according to research by the Department of seed, the best period to get the best yield seeds soft spring wheat and barley with high sowing qualities should be considered as the period 14-21 of May.
Keywords: Crops, selection, seed, variety, variety change, accelerated breeding of new varieties, technology, sowing period, wheat, barley


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  1. Hramtsov Ivan Fedorovich, Dr. agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture.
  2. Popolzuhin Pavel Vavilovich, PhD. agricultural Sciences, deputy director of the institute, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture.
  3. Vasilevski Vasily Dmitrievich, PhD. agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Department of seed, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture.