Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 633.15: 631. 524.7
GSNTI: 68. 35. 29

Influence of conditions and storage period for sowing qualities of parental forms corn seeds

The article presents the results of a study of laboratory and field germination rate of four parental forms of corn hybrids for early and optimal sowing time after different storage conditions. The test storage conditions were as close as it possible to the storage conditions of parental forms seeds in FGBNU ARRSI of Corn. After three years of seed storage in the freezer and in a usual stock in untreated conditions, marked downward trend in laboratory germination, but it has been preserved in all studied parental forms at the level of 91-96%. There is a clear downward trend in the laboratory germination by 2015 in version with treated grain at 3-16%. In 2015, early sowing of all parental forms decreased germination of seeds on the version of "storage of seeds in usual stock" compared with cold storage at 10-25%. The optimum time of sowing, this pattern is not apparent. As a result of variance analysis it was found that laboratory germination in the experiment after three years of storage was determined on 13 % by the duration of storage and on 37% by storage conditions. For the interaction of factors "parent form's multiply storage conditions" coefficient of determination exceeded 28%, which shows the dependence of the influence of storage conditions on the initial quality of the certain parental forms seeds. Field germination rate of seeds in both sowing time was determined by the duration of storage by 57 and 64%. The influence of other factors depended on the sowing time. Initial seed quality as well as storage conditions affected the germination only in conditions of low temperature stress at an early sowing time.
Keywords: Corn, laboratory germination, field germination rate, sowing seed quality, the parental form, conditions and storage period, planting dates


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  1. Sotchenko Vladimir Semyonovich, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, academician, chief researcher of Department of selection of RAMS, Department of primary seed corn.
  2. Gorbacheva Anna Grigoryevna, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Department of primary seed corn.
  3. Vetoshkina Irina Anatolievna, senior researcher, Department of primary seed corn.
  4. Panfilov Alexey Eduardovich, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director on scientific work, Institute of Agroecology - branch of the South Ural state agricultural University.