Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 635.21:531.532.2.
GSNTI: 62.33.29.

Current state and prospects of seed breeding in Kamchatka Territory in connection with import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

The data of the current state and the seed potato breeding, depending on the soil-climatic conditions of the Kamchatka Territory and the biological characteristics of culture. As a result of breeding created, recorded, produced and patents are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for use of potato varieties Sunshine, Kamchatka, volcanoes, geysers. The Institute is the originator grades: Impala, Latona, Fresco, Sante, with these varieties is conducted the initial seed. Given the results of comparative agroecological test the best potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection, including otsenёnnyh varieties of potato on a range of agronomic characters stood out: Fresco, Latona, Sante, Ryan, Lugovskoy, Flint, Red Scarlet, Visa, Lark, Darik, Wizard, Luck, Zekura, Rosario, volcano, geyser. The experience of conducting seed on virus-based and the transition of primary seed for reproduction of the improved material in an in vitro culture in the hydroponic installation CD-10, excluding the re-infection of the improved material and obtain minitubers year round, which allowed to switch to a four-year elite cultivation scheme to improve the quality of seed all grown reproductions. Showing the area under planting potatoes, gross harvest and yield of potato agricultural enterprises of all forms of property for Kamchatka region. The data of production and sale of certified seed potatoes on grades for the 2010-2014.
Keywords: 4-х годичная схема элиты. Potato, seed production, a modern condition, development, healing plants and mini-tubers, hydroponic installation, 4-year scheme elite


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  1. Ryakhovskaya Nina Ivanovna, doctor of agricultural Science, Director, Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture.