Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 634:25.634.21:631.526
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Modern state and prospects of selection of peach and apricot in connection with importsubstitution the AIC of the RF

The collections peach and apricot were formed in the Nikita Botanical Garden (NBG-NSC) by the introduction, as well as - varieties and forms of own selection. The aim of research was the breeding of modern varieties of peach and apricot for intensive horticulture and import substitution through improved methods and study of cultivars and selection. The genofund in the NBS-NSC (Yalta) is represented by 605 varieties and forms of peach and 468 - apricot. For effective a composite to evaluate of varieties they were systematized on ecogeographycal and groups and ecotypes with the definition of the frequency of occurrence economically important traits in each group and ecotype. Breeding work was conducted on the developed scheme. Based on hybridological analysis were identified 84 varieties and forms - donors of qualitative traits and 36 donors of quantitative traits of peach. Most of them belonged to the northern Chinese ecogeographical group (55,8%) and to the European ecotype of northern Chinese group (48,3%). We found 8 complex donors with valuable economic-biological traits of apricot. Also the donors of fruit early ripening, variety: Samarkandskiy Rannij, Pasyinok, Priusadebnyij, Form 8566; late ripening fruit - Kech-Pshar, Vyinoslivyij; high yield varieties - Pamyat Kostinoj, Tabu; lurge-fruited - cultivar Olimp. Include into the State Register of Plant Varieties of Russia in the Republic of Crimea, 28 new varieties of peaches, including: Naryadnij Nikitskij, Podarok Lika, Pontijskij, Rodzynka, Lyubimyj, etc., and 16 new varieties of apricot, including:. Alyans, Altair, Iskorka Tavridyi, Crocus, Magistr etc.
Keywords: доноры, Peach, apricot variety, hybrids, sources of signs, selection, donors,


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  1. Plugatar' Yuri Vladimirovich, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, the Director, Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientisic Center.
  2. Smykov Anatoliʾ Vladimirovich, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Sen. Researcher, Head of the Department of Fruit, Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientisic Center.
  3. Gorina Valentina Melentʾevna, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientisic Center.