Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Breakthrough in Russian agriculture development is associated with forage production and perennial grasses

The biggest breakthrough in the development of agriculture is associated with forage production. It is the largest and most a multifunctional of its branches, which brings together, connects into a single system all branches of agriculture and gives a huge advantage to their development. Animal industries it gives fodder, crop production - the productivity of crops, farming - soil fertility, agricultural land - productivity and sustainability. Forage production ensures the effective management of agricultural landscapes and rational nature management in agriculture. The main objective of forage production in animal husbandry - to provide a sufficient number of high-quality voluminous forages for cattle. They should contain 10,5-11,0 MJ metabolizable energy and 15-18% (grasses), 18-23% (legumes) crude protein in DM. Such animal feed even without concentrates can ensure high productivity (daily milk yield up to 20-25 kg of milk). Get such animal feed are quite real problem. But for this should develop the entire system forage production (breeding and seed production forage crops, forage production field, forage production meadows, forage harvesting technology, storage and use). The main objective forage production in agriculture and plant cultivation - to ensure agricultural land preservation, their productive longevity, improving soil fertility, sustainable crop production and agriculture. The biggest breakthrough in the development of Russian agriculture is associated with perennial grasses. They provide agricultural land stability to the effects of climate and negative processes. Protect them from exposure to elemental energy beings (droughts, erosion and deflation). Development of fodder production in the Russian Federation - is the strategic direction of accelerated development all agriculture: crop production, farming and animal husbandry. Priority development of forage production, perennial grasses culture is the basis national food security, our self-sufficiency in food production, agroecosystems and agricultural landscapes sustainability, environmental management and nation health.
Keywords: Forage production, perennial grasses, animal husbandry, crop production, agriculture, agricultural landscapes management, environmental management


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  1. Kosolapov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Dr agricultural Sciences, professor, corresponding member. Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  2. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, Dr. geogr. Sciences, Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Laboratory of Geobotany; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  3. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, Cand. agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher Laboratory of Geobotany; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  4. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.