Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 338.43.02:338.436.33
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Assessment of current status and strategic directions of sustainable development of agroindustrial complex Russian

The main directions of Russian agro-industrial complex in the conditions of a combination of two groups of development factors - external and internal. Revealed multidirectional vectors of the main agricultural sectors. Despite the progress in the overall growth of agricultural production there is a differentiation of the subjects on the dynamics of agricultural production. Adverse conditions have caused the drop in production in a number of areas, and primarily in the Crimean Federal District. Introduction antisanktsy was the most important factor in the growth of interest of domestic producers in the growth of output and employment vacated niche in the domestic food market. However, one of the main problems in this context was the investment in the agricultural sector and the lack of credit resources. It has become a limiting factor for agricultural producers experiencing considerable difficulties in the formation of the material and technical base, as the main production growth conditions. Of particular importance is the formation of an efficient agro-food complex, in the Crimean Federal District. Huge natural and climatic potential of the territory during a large-scale investment in strengthening the material-technical base and encouraging producers to increase production of a wide range of agricultural products are the main conditions for the formation of the country's food reserves. The most important basis for the development of agro-industrial complex is an effective regulatory framework, in particular, adopted in the middle of the 2014 Federal Law "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation", but the process of its implementation is not started so far in agriculture, to a certain extent hinders the adoption of effective management solutions in the industry.
Keywords: AIC, rates of growth, import substitution, dynamics of external trade, investments, improvement of agricultural insurance and taxation, import substitution in material-technical sphere


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  1. Ushachev Ivan G., Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics.