Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 634.21:551.58(477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Influence of climatic conditions of southern coast of Crimea on apricot productivity

The results of many years of research on the influence of climatic factors on the productivity of the plants four varieties of apricot in the conditions of Southern coast of Crimea. It was found that the most regular yields have studied varieties of Nikita Botanical Garden (NBG-NSC). It was found that most regular yield possess varieties of Nikita Botanical Garden (NBG-NSC): The Kryimskij Amur and Koster. The 31 year of investigation with a yield of more than 10 kg / tree. the variety Kryimskij Amur identified 22 years (71,0%), the variety Koster - 16 years (51,6%). Introducents (Nagykorosi Orias and Hurmai) are characterized by less regular yield. With fruiting more than 10 kg per tree was found in first variety 11 years (35,5%), the second - 7 years (22,6%). The higher average for the years of study yields observed in varieties Koster (14,5 kg / tree) and Kryimskij Amur (38,6 kg / tree). We studied the relationship between yield of apricot and parameters of environmental factors: the monthly average, maximum and minimum air temperatures, precipitation amount, relative humidity. It was determined that the yield capasity varieties of apricot plants Kryimskij Amur and Nagykorosy Orias significant negative influence increase in the amount of rainfall and rise in the relative humidity during the flowering period, revealed a significant positive relationship with the yield of these varieties generative buds set, and their degree of flowering plants. Productivity Hurmai plant varieties significantly associated with the number of formed generative buds and intensity of flowering plants. View trends of influence the amount of rainfall on the yield. On the fruiting of plants varieties Nagykorosy Orias significantly affects the average daily air temperature during flowering. In the variety Koster is observed dependence of productivity on the maximum temperature, which is related, most likely, to the late flowering plants of this variety. Revealed the tendency of the relationship of fruiting of this variety with the amount of rainfall during the flowering period. It is established that among the studied environmental factors limiting the productivity of the main varieties of apricot plant on the southern coast of Crimea are summer droughts, worsening conditions generative buds set for harvest next year, the intensity of flowering, the amount of rainfall and relative humidity during the flowering period. Revealed a different reaction of studied apricot cultivars to the effects of these parameters depending on the origin and their biological characteristics, identify the most adapted to the conditions of the Southern coast of Crimea varieties of apricot: Kryimskij Amur and Koster.
Keywords: Apricot, productivity, variety, weather and climatic factors, correlation bonds


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  1. Gorina Valentinа Melentevna, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher; Department of Fruit Crops of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  2. Korzin Vadim Valerievich, Cand. of аgricultural Sciences, Sen. Researcher; Department of Fruit Crops of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  3. Mesyats Natalia Vasilievna, Junior Researcher; Department of Fruit Crops of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.