Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

Ushachev I.G.,

Assessment of current status and strategic directions of sustainable development of agroindustrial complex Russian (P. 15-24)

Altukhov A.I., Silaeva L.P.,

The problems and ways of decisions of development seed production of the grain crops (P. 24-31)

Goncharov S.V., Malko A.M.,

Adjustment of the National breeding funding (P. 32-36)

Djalal A.K., Izotova Z.A.,

The methodical approach to the genetics and breeding in cropeconomic efficiency assessment (P. 37-41)

Minina E.L., Berezkin A.N., Cherednichenko M.Y., Malko A.M., Lapochkin V.M.,

Ways of legal regulation development in the field of crop breeding and seed science (P. 41-50)

Artyukhov A.I., Lukashevitch M.I., Ageeva P.A., Novik N.V.,

Lupin - breeding and adaptation in agro-landscapes of Russia (P. 51-60)

Aseeva T.A., Karacheva G.S.,

Current state and perspectives of the development of spring crops breeding and seed production in Khabarovsk Territori (P. 61-71)

Batalova G.A., Shchennikova I.N., Lisitsyn E.M.,

Breeding of agricultural crops in the northeast of European Russia for provision of import substitution (P. 71-76)

Berezkin A.N., Cherednichenko M.Y., Malko A.M.,

Potato production development in Germany: from breeding new varieties to getting healthy seeds (P. 77-84)

Boldyrevа L.L.,

Modern state and prospects of the development of selection and seed-grower of sorghum in connection with an import is a substitution in agroindustrial complex of Russian Federation (P. 85-94)

Buntsevich L.L., Tyshchenko E.L., Sergeeva N.N.,

Fruit growing industry supplying by the high quality stock of fruit, nut, and berry grops in the subjects of the south of Russia (P. 94-99)

Gorina V.M., Korzin V.V., Mesyats N.V.,

Influence of climatic conditions of southern coast of Crimea on apricot productivity (P. 100-104)

Dragavtsev V.A., Dragavtseva I.A., Efimova I.L., Morenets A.S., Savin I.Y.,

Management by “genotype-environment” interaction - most important lever for increase of cultivated plants yields (P. 105-121)

Yegorova N.A., Stavtseva I.V.,

Use of biotechnological methods for creation initial breeding material in some essential oil plants (P. 122-131)

Esipenko L.P., Savva A.P., Zamotajlov A.S., Salamatin V.N.,

Plant protection as a basis of crop production in Russia in the historical and contemporary period (P. 132-140)

Eremin V.G., Eremin G.V.,

Improvements in range and technology of cultivation of stone fruit in the south of Russia (P. 141-150)

Eremin G.V., Sotnik A.I., Tankevich V.V.,

Аnalysis of the promising clonal rootstocks of the stone crops in the Crimea (P. 150-154)

Zaitsev N.I., Zelentsov S.V., Trunova M.V.,

Current trends and methods of soybean breeding for the south of Russia (P. 155-162)

Kazydub N.G., Kuzminа S.P., Korobeinikova M.M.,

Results of the participation of Omsk GAU in implementing government programs of import substitution (P. 162-167)

Kashevarov N.I., Palyudina R.I., Danilov V.P., Potapov D.A.,

Fodder crops cultivars for import substitution in Siberia (P. 167-176)

Kim I.V., Novoselov A.K., Novoselova L.A., Vozniuk V.P.,

The main directions and results of potato selection and seed breeding in Primorsky SRIA (P. 177-182)

Klymenko Z.K., Zykova V.K., Aleksandrova L.M., Ulanovskaya I.V., Zubkova N.V., Smykova N.V., Plugatar S.A., Andryushchenkova Z.P.,

Selection of perennial flowering-ornamental plants in the Nikitsky botanical garden and its results in connection with the import substitution problem (P. 183-187)

Kornienko A.V., Skachkov S.I., Semenikhina L.V., Melnikov Y.N., Bartenev L.S.,

Disease incidence and necessity to develop sugar beet high-productive competitive hybrids resistant to diseases and herbicides (P. 188-193)

Kosolapov V.M., Trofimov I.A., Trofimova L.S., Yakovleva E.P.,

Improving the efficiency cultivation of grain crops in agrolandscapes of the south Russia (P. 194-198)

Kosolapov V.M., Trofimov I.A., Trofimova L.S., Yakovleva E.P.,

Scientific basis resource and energy saving technologies crop production in sustainable development of agro industrial complex (P. 199-204)

Kosolapov V.M., Trofimov I.A., Trofimova L.S., Yakovleva E.P.,

Breakthrough in Russian agriculture development is associated with forage production and perennial grasses (P. 204-208)

Kostov K.V., Goncharov S.V.,

Prospects of Cereals Hybrid Breeding (P. 209-216)

Kulikov I.M., Upadyshev M.T., Sorokopudov V.N.,

Innovative technological aspects of obtaining improved planting stock honeysuckle Lonicera caerulea L. (P. 217-222)

Lachuga Y.F., Bespalova L.A., Makrushin N.M.,

Innovative problems of logistics in selection and seed breeding: biology, technology, management (P. 223-234)

Lukomets V.M., Zaitsev N.I., Krivoshlykov K.M.,

State of sunflower breeding and problems of importsubstituting sunflower seed growing in the Russian Federation (P. 235-240)

Shabanov R.Y., Astafieva V.E., Klitsenko O.A., Savchenko M.V., Lugovaya A.I., Kirilenko N.G., Makrushin N.M., Kut'ko S.P.,

Biological basis of seed harvesting aromatic and medicinal plants (P. 241-249)

Makrushin N.M., Lachuga Y.F., Mishchuk S.A., Klitsenko O.A., Shabanov R.Y.,

Prospects for the development of technical equipment of agricultural production in connection to import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (P. 250-262)

Maletskii S.I.,

Innovation technologies in breeding and seed production of sugar beets (P. 263-273)

Martirosyan V.V., Sotchenko Y.F., Sotchenko Y.V., Zhirkova Y.V.,

Grain chemical composition resistance of mid-ripening self-polinated corn lines to variable environmental conditions (P. 273-280)

Merkur'ev A.P., Skipor B.O.,

Problems and solutions of Lavender selection in Crimea (P. 280-286)

Nevkrytaya N.V., Mishnev A.V.,

Тhe current state of essential oil plants’ breeding and seed growing in Сrimea (P. 287-296)

Pivovarov V.F., Musaev F.B.o.,

Informative diffraction method for determining the heterogeneity of vegetable seeds (P. 297-302)

Plugatar' Y.V., Smykov A.V., Gorina V.M.,

Modern state and prospects of selection of peach and apricot in connection with importsubstitution the AIC of the RF (P. 303-315)

Popolzuhina N.A., Krotova L.A., Popolzuhin P.V., Mazepa N.G., Kozlenko N.P.,

The main results of the adaptive spring soft wheat varieties for the Western Siberian region Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan (P. 315-319)

Rubets V.S., Shirokolava A.V., Mitroshina O.V., Pylnev V.V.,

Primary open flowering blossoming and the level of the spontaneous hybridization of winter triticale (P. 320-328)

Ryakhovskaya N.I.,

Current state and prospects of seed breeding in Kamchatka Territory in connection with import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (P. 329-337)

Sidel’nikov N.I., Hazieva F.M., Morozov A.I.,

The results and directions of breeding of medicinal and aromatic plants in FGBNU VILAR (P. 337-343)

Sinegovskaya V.T.,

Development strategy of selection and seed-growing of soybean in the Russian Far East (P. 344-350)

Skatova S.E., Bespalova L.A., Kovtunenko V.Y., Panchenko V.V., Kalmus A.P.,

The new variety of spring triticale Rovnya (P. 351-355)

Sorokopudov V.N., Kulikov I.M., Upadyschev M.T., Kozak N.V.,

The results of variety trials and prospects of breeding of Lonicera caerulea L. in the Central Non-Black earth area (P. 356-360)

Sotchenko V.S., Gorbacheva A.G., Vetoshkina I.A., Panfilov A.E.,

Influence of conditions and storage period for sowing qualities of parental forms corn seeds (P. 360-365)

Trofimov I.A., Trofimova L.S., Yakovleva E.P.,

Actual problems environmental management and maintain the ecological balance in arid zones (P. 365-369)

Kharitonov Y.M., Goncharova Y.K., Bruyako V.N., Malyuchenko E.A., Bushman N.Y., Sheleg V.A.,

Use of heterosis as main direction of breeding work aimed toprovide competitiveness of Russian breeding achievements (P. 370-378)

Kharitonov Y.M., Ochkas N.A., Kuchmenko A.A., Negrevskaya E.E.,

Ways of acceleration renewal and replacement of rice varieties in agriculture (P. 379-384)

Haritonov Y.M., Goncharova Y.K., Bushman N.Y., Malyuchenko E.A., Bruyako V.N.,

Increasing the nutritional value of agricultural products - establishment of the health food industry (P. 385-389)

Hramtsov I.F., Popolzuhin P.V., Vasilevski V.D.,

Selection, seed and perfection of technology of grain crops cultivation - key factors of stability of grain in the import substitution (P. 390-398)

Tsygankov V.I., Tsygankov I.G., Tsygankova M.Y., Zelenskiy Y.I., Tsygankovа N.V.,

Varietal resources of spring wheat in Western Kazakhstan and their role in production of the grain of high quality (P. 398-404)

Yudanova S.S., Melenteva S.A., Татур И.С.,

Mixoploidy and segregation on the mono-, multigerm character in sugar beet partenogenetic progenies (Beta Vulgaris l.) (P. 405-411)