Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 633.491:631.811.98
GSNTI: 68.35.49

Efficacy of the drug Gidrogumin for potatoes

The potatoes are an important food product for human and animals. It is also valuable raw materials for the food industry. In recent years, reduction in potato profitability had been observed in the Krasnodar region. It caused the reduction of the acreages of this crop, which was reflected in the croppage of potato. To obtain a high yield of potatoes, it is necessary to ensure the potatoes with the elements of mineral nutrition. One of way of improved crop production is using of growth regulators which are so widely used in horticulture. The research purpose was to evaluate the efficacy of the drug Gidrogumin at potato cultivation. Experimental data on the effect of the test drug on the biometric indicators (height, number of shoots, biomass dry weight, number of leaves and their area) of above-ground parts of plants, as well as the pigment content and photosynthetic activity of the leaves of the potatoes are presented. The practical significance is to increase the yield of potato, influenced Gidrogumin. It was found that treatment of the tubers before planting in a dose (250 ml / m) and 2-fold during the vegetation period (3,0 l / ha) increases the number of tubers from a bush, the average tuber weight and ultimately yield increases by 44,0%.
Keywords: The potatoes, the growth regulator, the productivity, the stimulation of growth, the photosynthesis


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  1. Tosunov Yanis Konstantinovich, PhD in agriculture, Assistant Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Barchukova Alla Yakovlevna, PhD in agriculture, Assistant Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University.
  3. Dirin Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, Director General, Private Unitary Eenterprise "Biochem", Republic of Belarus.