Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 632.914.2
GSNTI: 68.37.05

The spread of pink snow mold on winter grain crops in the republic of Belarus and in the South of Russia

The aim of the study was to examine the spread of pink snow mold (pathogen Microdochium nivale sensu lato (Fr.) Samuels & I.C. Hallett) on grain crops in the Republic of Belarus and in the south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory in 2020-2022. In the weather conditions favorable for snow mold in 2020-2021, the development of the disease reached up to 83.3% in the production crops of the Republic of Belarus, with the death of up to 38.5% of plants. In the winter period of 2021-2022, the conditions were less favorable for the pathogen, the development reached up to 55.0% with the death of plants up to 3.3%. The greatest development of snow mold in two years was observed on crops in the Vitebsk and Minsk regions. On the Krasnodar Territory, weather conditions in the winter-autumn period of 2020-2021 were insufficiently favorable for the development of the pathogen on winter cereals, snow mold was detected in foci with an average spread of up to 11.0%, development - up to 5.0%. In the more favorable 2021-2022, the ubiquitous spread of snow mold was revealed to an average of 5.8% with development in the lower tiers up to 2.3%. The maximum distribution was observed on grain crops in the southern foothill zone (7.9%). Information on the phytosanitary condition of grain crops, the distribution and development of pink snow mold is the basis for forecasts and planning of protective measures.
Keywords: Snow mold, baking, Microdochium nivale, phytomonitoring, winter cereals.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-66-74


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  1. Volkova Galina Vladimirovna, DSc in Biology, chief researcher, FSBScI "Federal Scientific Centre for Biological plant Protection".
  2. Yakhnik Yana Viktorovna, postgraduate, junior researcher, FSBScI "Federal Scientific Centre for Biological plant Protection".
  3. Kustadinchev Alexander Dmitrievich, undergraduate, junior researcher, FSBScI "Federal Scientific Centre for Biological plant Protection".
  4. Zhukovsky Alexander Gennadievich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, RUE "Institute of Plant Protection".
  5. Krupenko Natalia Alexandrovna, PhD in Biology, associate professor, RUE "Institute of Plant Protection".
  6. Pilate Tatiana Gennadievna, PhD in Biology, leading researcher, RUE "Institute of Plant Protection".
  7. Zhukouskaya Hanna Alexandrovna, researcher, RUE "Institute of Plant Protection".
  8. Leshkevich Vyacheslav Grigorievich, researcher, RUE "Institute of Plant Protection".