Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 634.863:631.542
GSNTI: 68.35.55

The production potential of grape varieties of domestic selection in the conditions of the South of Russia

The production potential of grape varieties depends on a number of environmental, biological and technological factors. The genotype that reveals its potential in the conditions of the place of growth is unchanged. The most complete realization of the productive potential of grape varieties is achieved by using variety-oriented agrotechnical techniques, such as loading bushes with shoots. The purpose of the research is to determine the production potential (laying of embryonic inflorescences) of grape varieties of the selection of SKFNTSSVV Granatoviy, Antaris and Alcor growing in the conditions of the south of Russia (g. Anapa), under the influence of different loads of bushes with shoots. The research methods generally accepted in viticulture are used in the work. The average value of the number of embryonic inflorescences per eye was established: for the Alcor variety - 1.3 pcs., Granatoviy - 0.9 pcs., Antaris - 0.7 pcs. The influence of different bush loads by shoots on the production potential (embryonic fertility) of the central buds of wintering eyes along the length of the shoot is considered. It was found that with increasing load, the zone of greatest productivity (5-7 peepholes) shifts to the base of the shoot in all studied grape varieties. In the Granatoviy variety, the displacement occurs in the zone of 3-6 eyes, in the varieties Antaris and Alcor in the zone of 2-5 eyes.
Keywords: Grapes, varieties of domestic breeding, production potential, embryonic fruitfulness, load of shoots.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-59-65


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  1. Aleynikova Galina Yurievna, Senior Researcher, Manageress of Laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture and Winemaking.
  2. Seget Olga Leonidovna, research associate, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture and Winemaking.