Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 634.1.03.+ 634.11
GSNTI: 68.35.53

The influence of rootstock on the yield of standard apple seedlings in theb Chui valley of Kyrgyzstan

On the basis of KNAU educational farm, studies were carried out to identify the effect of clonal rootstocks on the yield of standard apple seedlings. The objects of study were clonal rootstocks of apple trees MM106, M26, M9, ARM18, JETSU5. Apple varieties Golden Delicious, Kandil Sinap, Rashida, Renet Burchardt were tested as a scion. Kyrgyz winter. Kyrgyz winter variety, the is author Garev E.Z., was bred in the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan from crossing varieties Aport and "King David", of late winter ripening. The trees are vigorous, varietal, bears fruit in the sixth year, bears fruit annually, the yield is high. Resistant to powdery mildew. Branches with an average angle of departure, brown shoots, medium pubescent. Variety with a mixed type of fruiting, enters fruiting early, yielding. Variety Rashida obtained in the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan from crossing the varieties Aport Alexander ½ Jonathan, the author is E.Z. Gareev. The tree has a spreading crown. Kandil synapse from the group of synapses of autumn maturation. The origin of the variety is unknown, according to the most common version, it was obtained by random mutation when sowing seeds of the related variety Sary-sinap. Golden Delicious variety was the result of an unintentional crossing. The varieties Grimes Golden and Golden Reinette are usually indicated as probable parents. Golden Delicious Variety is the result of an unintentional crossing. As probable parents, the varieties Grimes Golden and Golden Reinette are usually indicated.
Keywords: Renet Burchardt is an old variety of Kyrgyzstan, a European variety.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-212-216


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  1. Sydykov Aibek Belekovich, postgraduate student Department of Forestry and Fruit Growing, K.I. Skriabin Kyrgyz Agrarian University.