Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 632.938.1
GSNTI: 68.35.03, 68.5.29, 68.37.29

Screening of soft winter wheat varieties for resistance to brown rust in the conditions of the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus

The aim of the study is to identify resistance to brown rust, the intrapopulation diversity of Puccinia tritici f. sp. tritici Eriks., methods for evaluating and selecting the initial breeding material with a broad genetic basis of resistance to the pathogen. The studies were conducted in 2019-2021 at the field stastion of the FSBI SCNIIGPSH VNC RAS (RSO-Alania), located in the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus. 25 samples of winter soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L) from the collection of VIR named after N.I. Vavilov and 47 isogenic Thatcher lines with Lr genes were used as research objects. Assessment for nonspecific resistance was carried out according to five criteria: the type of reaction (in points) and the degree of damage (as a percentage), the rate of increase of the area under the curve (PKRB), the index of stability (IU) and plant productivity (IPR). Studies of the racial composition of the pathogen populations were carried out using a universal set of wheat lines and varieties of differentiators with known resistance genes. It was revealed that the effective genes of resistance to the local brown rust population include the genes Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr25, Lr30, Lr32, Lr34, Lr36, Lr41, Lr42, Lr45, Lr47, Lr51, Lr53, Lr67. When analyzing the phenotypic composition, 6 phenotypic groups were identified: MHTT, PGTT, RHTT, NHKP, TQTP, QHKP. The phenotype of the T-group, virulent to Lr9, Lr16, with a frequency of occurrence of 40.0%, is characteristic of all grain-growing regions of Russia and the world. In the studied population of P. triticina, they are dominant. Phenotypes RHTT, QHKP, MHTT, avirulent to the Lr9, Lr24 genes, occur in the population with a frequency of 13.3, 3.3, 10.0%, respectively. The frequency of occurrence of the phenotypic group PGTT and NHKP with avirulence to the genes, Lr9, Lr24, Lr26, Lr2a, Lr3, is 33.3%. Genetic diversity according to the Shannon-Weaver index within the population is high, H =2.51. According to the screening results, winter wheat varieties resistant to brown rust were identified, ranked as follows: resistant - 11 samples, medium - resistant - 9, susceptible - 5. In breeding work, the following varieties of winter soft wheat of foreign selection are proposed for use as sources of nonspecific resistance to Puccinia triticina - Dorota (France), Genoveva (Slovakia), Areal (Ukraine), Eltan (USA), Verita (Slovakia), Muza (Poland), Alauda (Germany), Fenezja (Poland), Vatazbok (Ukraine), as well as Russian varieties Prima, Omsk 5. Selected sources of resistance are recommended for inclusion in wheat breeding programs for resistance to brown rust.
Keywords: Winter wheat, brown rust, sources of resistance, population, breeding.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-156-163


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  1. Manukyan Irina Rafikovna, PhD in Biology, The North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture is a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Federal Scientific Center "Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".