Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 633.111.1:632.938.1
GSNTI: 68.35.29:68.37.07

Comparative characteristics of Triticum Aestivum L. genotypes on resistance to fusarium ear blight in conditions of artificial infection

An assessment of 22 varieties of spring soft wheat was carried out according to the parameters of resistance to fusarium ear blight - the prevalence of the disease, the development of symptoms on the ear and the contamination of grains. The study was conducted in the field with artificial infection of plants - during the flowering phase, the ears were sprayed with a suspension of the fungus Fusarium avenaceum, which is widespread in the wheat cultivation zone. The weather over the years of the study was contrasting - the indicators of the average daily air temperature and the amount of precipitation during the growing season of plants were respectively 14,3оC and 152 mm in 2014, 15,5оC and 383 mm in 2015. Based on the results of a two-year trial, genotypes were conditionally differentiated into four groups: relatively resistant - Tyumenskaya 25, Tyumenec 2, Tyumenskaya 27, Tyumenskaya 31 and Tyumenskaya 29; medium-susceptible - Tyumenskaya 33, Tyumenskaya 30, Lyutescens 70, Tyumenskaya 32, CN 06600, Lyutescens 585; susceptible - Aviada, Omskaya 36, Skent 3, Serebrina, Adelina, Laban, Krabat, Terciya, Ikar and highly susceptible - Riks, Kazahstanskaya 10. Under favorable weather conditions for the development of infection (in the second year of plant vegetation), all varieties showed a high level of susceptibility to the disease. Correlations of the parameters of the varieties' resistance to fusarium ear blight with the maturation period, morphological characteristics and the amount of gluten in the grains were revealed. More disease-resistant wheat varieties ripened earlier, had smaller ear and leaf sizes, a large number of productive shoots and a higher amount of gluten in the grains. In most wheat varieties, longer and looser ears were affected by fusarium largely compared to short and dense ones.
Keywords: Fusarium ear blight, resistance evaluation, cultivars, spring wheat, Tyumen Region.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-100-106


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  1. Zemtsova Elena Sergeevna, research assistant, graduate student, Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station.
  2. Bome Nina Anatolievna, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Head Department, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of Tyumen".