Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 633.15:631.5
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Influence of planting dates on corn hybrids growing season duration

Planting dates affect growing season duration and corn hybrids productivity. This work aims to investigate the influence of planting dates on the duration of the growing season of corn hybrids under non-irrigated conditions in the steppe zone of the Crimea. The studies were carried out at the experimental fields of the FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea” according to the guidelines for conducting field experiments with corn. Under contrasting meteorological conditions of the years of research, we studied various planting dates (April 5, 15, 25) on the corn hybrids of different maturity groups. The total area of the experimental plot - 50 m2, accounting - 25 m2. Field experiments were replicated four times. Soil - chernozems southern low-humus. Selyaninov Hydrothermal Coefficient (HTC) during the April-September period was1.46 in 2016, 0.34 in 2017, 0.79 in 2018, 0.78 in 2019. While conductingresearch, we revealed that the duration of the “planting - germination” period was the same for all studied hybrids. An increase in the average daily air temperature contributed to the shortening of the “planting - germination” period from 12.3 to 20.5 days. Regardless of the planting dates, there was a reduction in the period “germination - full maturity” of the early ripening corn hybrid Nur (by 5,3 days), mid-early hybrid Mashuk 220 MV (by 6,4 days) and mid-ripening hybrid Mashuk 355 MV (by 4.4 days). The sum of active temperatures for the period germination - full maturity depending on the planting dates was 1,890-1,909.8оС for Nur; 2,365.4-2,379.9оC for Mashuk 220 MV; 2,560.4-2,582.0оC for Mashuk 355 MV. The sum of effective temperatures was 958.1-1,024.8оС, 1,255.4-1,309.9оC and 1,370.4-1,432.0оC for hybrids Nur, Mashuk 220 MV and Mashuk 355 MV, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed a high dependence of the duration of the growing season of the Mashuk 355 MV hybrid on hydrothermal conditions. For hybrids Mashuk 220 MV and Nur, this dependence was lower.
Keywords: Сorn Zea mays L, planting dates, growing season, hydrothermal conditions.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-246-250


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  1. Cherkashyna Anna Vladimirovna, researcher of the Laboratoryof agriculture, FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”.
  2. Sotchenko Elena Fedorovna, Phd in Biology, leading researcher, FSBSI “All-Russian Research Institute of Corn”.