Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 632.78
GSNTI: 68.47.37

Gypsy moth (Limantria dispar L.) in the forests of the Orenburg region

Predicting the occurrence and development of Gypsy moth foci reduces the negative effects of the pest on forest stands and makes it possible to plan forest protection measures more effectively. Within the framework of this work, statistical processing of materials on the area of foci in the forest areas of the Orenburg region was carried out: a cluster analysis was carried out, and the method of data mining - the analysis of sequential patterns-was used. As a result of the study, forest areas were identified in which the occurrence of Gypsy moth more likely to occur. The research allowed us to study in detail the nature of the distribution of the foci of the unpaired silkworm on the territory of the region. So in general, for the forest areas of the region, the annual area of the foci of the unpaired silkworm with a probability of 10% will not exceed 106,6 ha, with a probability of 50% - 5648,4 ha, with a probability of 95% - 60939 ha. For forest areas assigned to the first cluster, the annual area of Gypsy moth foci with a probability of 10% will not exceed 77,8 ha, with a probability of 50% - 4966,5 ha, with a probability of 95% - 57614 ha. The series of distribution of the areas of foci provide a theoretical basis for further study of the dynamics of the development of the Gypsy moth.
Keywords: Gypsy moth, Orenburg region, forecast, focus, statistical processing.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-226-231


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  1. Tankov Denis Aleksandrovich, Phd in Agriculture, deputy Head of SP and GLPM Department, Branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Roslesozashchita" - "CPL of the Orenburg Region".
  2. Kukhlevskaya Yulia Fargaovna, engineer-forest pathologist II category, Branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Roslesozashchita" - "CPL of the Orenburg Region".