Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 630*232.43
GSNTI: 68.47.29

Influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field and hydrogel on survival and growth of seedlings of forest woody plants

This work reflects the results of field experiments to study the effect of the physical method of exposure to the planting material by a low-frequency electromagnetic field using the POSEP technology and the introduction of hydrogel into the soil, in order to increase the survival and growth of seedlings of forest woody plants. The research was carried out from May 2014 to September 2019 on the territory of the Moscow and Lipetsk regions in forest nurseries, during planting in the forest, during afforestation of cuttings, as well as on land subject to reclamation. The results of comparative biometric analysis of experimental and control samples are presented, which prove the effectiveness of methods of processing seedlings of forest crops with a low-frequency electromagnetic field and applying hydrogel to the soil in the zone of the rhizosphere of plants. The technology of planting forest plants in crops that can significantly increase the survival rate of seedlings and improve their biometric characteristics is demonstrated: height, root neck diameter, and mass. The experimental data obtained indicate a positive effect of the treatment of planting material with a low-frequency electromagnetic field with the introduction of hydrogel into the soil on the survival and growth of seedlings of forest woody plants.
Keywords: Low-frequency electromagnetic field, hydrogel, POSEP technology, survival rate, seedlings of forest crops.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-213-219


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