Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 630*235.41
GSNTI: 34.33.15

Analysis of the yield assessment of the collection plants of the "Arboretum parks” and "Southern cultures" of Sochi

The analysis of the average yield estimate of the collection plants of the Arboretum and Southern Cultures parks for the entire observation period of 2016-2020 was carried out with a detailed analysis of 334 plant species. According to the yield, they are divided into the following indicators: very good yield (55,0%) - 183 species; good yield (25,0%) - 85 species; average yield (11,0%) - 38 species; weak yield (5,0%) - 19 species; very poor yield (2,0%) - 6 species; crop failure (2,0%) - 5 species. Long-term observations of the introduced species have shown that the size of the crop, the repeatability of crop years, and the quality indicators of seeds depend on the biological characteristics of the species, its origin, growing conditions, weather conditions, and some biological factors. All these phenomena are interrelated and complement each other.
Keywords: Observation, parks“Arboretum" and "Southern crops”, fruit growing, yield, plants.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-199-202


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  1. Pastukhova Irina Sergeevna, art. scientific employee, FGBU “Sochi National Park”.