Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 634.1/7:581.5(470.6)
GSNTI: 68.35.53

The main methods and techniques for assessing the "genotype-environment" interaction and managing the environment-forming potential of fruit crops for limiting factors in complex agricultural landscapes of the North Caucasus"

In the North Caucasus, with a difficult terrain and extremely diverse climatic conditions, almost all fruit crops, starting from subtropical ones, can be grown, that is, this is a very favorable region for the development of fruit growing. Note that more than 30% of the area of Russia is concentrated here under fruit crops. In the North Caucasus, the average yield of fruit remains low - pome fruit - 103 c/hе, stone fruit - 68 c/hе in traditional orchards, which is 3 times lower than their level biological potential. One of the main reasons is the discrepancy between the requirements of crops and the capabilities of the growing environment in terms of relief, climate or soils, that is, the existing balance of environmental resources is not used sufficiently by genotypes. As a result of research and wide experimental material in various zones, microzones, even small garden Objects determined the obviousness of the problem of allocating ecologically and economically balanced zones for obtaining various maximum quality horticultural products in natural regions. The solution to this problem will increase the yield of fruit crops by 50-100%, and in some cases by 2.5-3 times, only due to the full use of environmental resources of the environment and specific crops (varieties) - the interaction "plant - environment". Using generally accepted methods, as well as various modern methods, information and digital technologies (several dozen), the article highlights the role of one of the most important limiting (for the North Caucasus) elements - relief and vertical zoning for the full implementation of adaptive abilities, and biological characteristics of various fruit crops. When assessing land resources and the suitability of territories for fruit crops, a certain analysis strategy, modern information technologies or systems (GIS), mathematical and computer modeling were chosen. The importance of taking into account the height above sea level, exposure and steepness of the slopes of the North Caucasus terrain in the context of administrative regions is noted. Terrain slope maps were created using a DEM (digital elevation model) for land resources for almost the entire territory of the North Caucasus. As a result, the role of the terrain for the selection of sites for gardens with a certain set of crops that will comfortably interact in the "plant-environment" process to obtain high and high-quality yields is widely disclosed and shown.
Keywords: Fruit crops, genotype-environment interaction, North Caucasus.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-174-179


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  1. Akhmatova Zulaykha Pashaevna, Phd in Agriculture, associate professor, Leading Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution " North -Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Gardening".
  2. Kardanov Anzor Rizuanovich, Phd in Agriculture, associate professor, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution " North -Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Gardening".
  3. Shamaeva Irina Zaudinovna, Phd in Agriculture, associate professor, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution " North -Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Gardening".