Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 632.93
GSNTI: 34.35.25

Methods of the cotton moth Helicoverpa armigera Hübner Controlling (Review)

Modern scientific literature analysis on the control of the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (1805)) number, a pest for many agricultural crops, has been carried out. This object attracts farmers’ attention not only in our country, but also abroad. The widespread and rapid spread of the pest is confirmed by reports from Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, South America. Gluttony, wide food specialization, and the quick development of resistance to many groups of chemical insecticides make us look for new ways to reduce the number of pests. Among the methods for controlling the cotton bollworm, the following may be the most promising: search and use of chemical compounds that inhibit the vital activity of H. armigera, to which the pest is nonresistant; the use of biological agents such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, entomophages; compliance with agrotechnical measures. To date, the studies of how different classes of chemical compounds affect the cotton bollworm have been carried out, some of which show a fairly high efficiency. However, the authors call for the rational use of chemical insecticides, which is associated not only with the possibility of developing resistance in pest, but also with other negative consequences of their use: environmental pollution, suppression of the vital activity of entomophages, and bees, accumulation of pesticide residues in food, etc. The use of biological methods to protect crops from cotton bollworm has many advantages, however, due to the difficulty of adhering to all recommendations for proper use biological products and entomophages it turns not always effective. Agricultural technology is of great importance in the fight against any pest, including the cotton bollworm: compliance with crop rotation, properly selected tillage can have a positive effect on maintaining yields, significantly reducing the number of H. armigera caterpillars. A review of the literature on the problems of controlling H. armigera, is proposed in order to determine the most promising directions for the safe reduction of the number of this pest.
Keywords: Helicoverpa armigera Hübner, resistance, environment, safe plant protection agents, biological preparations, insect viruses.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-137-151


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  1. Nefedova Maria Vladimirovna, Phd in Biology, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection".
  2. Agasyeva Irina Sergeevna, Phd in Biology, leading researcher, Head of Laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection".
  3. Nastasiy Anton Sergeevich, postgraduate student, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection".