Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 631.8.633.853
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Symbiotic activity and productivity of soybeans depending on the use of phosphorus fertilizers

There are various methods for determining mineral fertilizers doses to obtain the planned grain and seed yields. Some methods are based on the direct use of the field experiments results on the magnitude of the effect of increasing doses of fertilizers on yield and quality. Other methods are based on the determination of the amount of nutrion elements removal by the harvest. Currently, zonal recommendations developed by research and experimental institutions are considered the most reliable. The effectiveness of mineral fertilizers depends on the methods and time of their application. This is especially true of phosphorus and potash fertilizers, which are considered difficult to access for plants. In particular, phosphorus fertilizers should be applied to the soil in fractions. The main part is for plowing, the rest - during the pre-sowing tillage and when sowing seeds. To increase the nitrogen-fixing ability of legumes, including soybeans, phosphorus plays an important role in increasing the symbiotic activity of plants. Soy, as one of the main legumes, consumes at least 2.6-2.8 kg of dw for each hundredweight of seeds. To get a seed yield of 2.4-2.6 sht/ha, it is necessary to add 50-60 kg of the active phosphorus substance to the soil. The use of this amount of phosphorus ensures the formation of symbiotic and photosynthetic devices with high efficiency, which contribute to a significant increase in soybean productivity.
Keywords: Soy, phosphorous fertilizers, nodule bacteria, atmospheric nitrogen, elements of productivity, yield.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-127-130


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  1. Knyazeva Diana Borisovna, postgraduate, FSBEI HE Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University.
  2. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor of the Department technology of production and processing of agricultural products, FSBEI HE Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University.