Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 92

UDC: 631.3
GSNTI: 55.57.13

Influence of import substitution in agricultural machinery on food security of the country

The article is devoted to the assessment of the role of import substitution of agricultural machinery in the food security of the country. Highlighted the threats to food security, the source of which is the agricultural machinery industry. The author has implemented an analysis of the problems associated with the development of import substitution of agricultural engineering products. The analysis of the dynamics of export-import operations of agricultural machinery products is carried out. The assessment of the impact of import substitution in agricultural engineering on food security by calculating criterion indicators has been carried out. The necessity of producing high-quality agricultural machine-building products for increasing the competitiveness of these goods in the world market and reducing the share of their imports has been substantiated. Measures are proposed to increase the share of import substitution of agricultural machinery in order to ensure the country's food security.
Keywords: Agro-industrial complex, import substitution, imports, competitiveness, food security, agricultural engineering, sustainability, export.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-92-44-51


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  1. Kotok Nikita Yurevich, postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.