Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 91

UDC: 634.75:631.527.12:631.524.84
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Influence and interrelation of productivity components in strawberry varieties of introduction and selection "NBG-NSC"

The article presents an assessment of the parent varieties and breeding material of garden strawberries obtained by inter-grade crosses, according to a complex of economically valuable characteristics (yield, large fruit, taste qualities of berries, resistance to fungal diseases). The method of cluster analysis shows the proximity of varieties by a set of characteristics to each other and to the control variety Red Gontlet. The influence of the main components of productivity (the number of peduncles, flowers, ovaries and the mass of berries) on the formation of the strawberry crop of the varieties of introduction and selection of NBG-NSC was studied. Data on the study of correlations between yield characteristics are presented. A positive correlation (r = 0,63) between the size of berries and yield was revealed. According to the results of the breeding work, new varieties were bred, characterized by high yield (16,9-22,2 t/ha), the quality of berries (4,7-4,8 points), which were transferred to the state export testing. The indicator-the yield from the bush is the most important of all the others, since it causes almost a third of the total share of variance. With the appropriate selection of initial pairs in certain combinations of crossing, it is possible to obtain forms that combine a large number of berries and large fruit.
Keywords: Variety, selection, productivity components, large fruit, number of berries, introduction.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-91-7-11


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  1. Arifova Zera Ilmievna, Researcher, Federal Research Center "Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS".
  2. Smykov Anatolij Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Southern Fruit and Nut Fruits, Federal Research Center "Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS".