Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 91

UDC: 635.611/631.53.011-631.53.027.2
GSNTI: 68.35.51

Efficiency of methods of application of growth regulators and liquid organomineral fertilizer in cultivation of commercial and seed products of melon in conditions of the steppe Volga

This work reflects the actual problem of obtaining a stable yield of melons with a high yield of seeds in the sharply continental conditions of the steppe Trans-Volga region. It was revealed that the direct delivery of nutrients to seeds and plants contributes to the enhancement of growth processes, increases productivity, improves the quality of marketable products, and increases the yield of seeds. Per unit area and has a positive effect on their fullness. The object of research is a medium-ripening melon variety. The studies were carried out at the experimental plots of the Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station in the Bykovskiy district of the Volgograd region in accordance with the guidelines, techniques and industry standards. Studies have shown that soaking seeds before sowing allows you to get seedlings 7-9 days earlier than sowing with dry seeds. The advantage of foliar treatments was noted, with an increase in yield by 2.3-7.7%. Biochemical analysis of melon fruits showed a positive effect of growth regulators and liquid organic fertilizers on improving the palatability of fruits. The highest dry matter content was obtained when vegetating plants were treated with Phytozont and Potassium Humate - 13.8%, with the minimum values in the control - 11.5%. The amount of nitrates did not exceed the level established for this culture (90 mg/kg). In seed crops, the maximum yield was obtained from the use of the Zircon preparation for vegetative plants, 5.6-8.5% more in relation to other preparations. A similar trend was noted when determining the mass of 1000 seeds. Research has established the advantage of foliar treatment of plants. When growing melons for commercial purposes, the maximum effect was achieved from the use of the preparation Potassium Humate, the yield was 13.7 t/ha. The greatest yield of seeds per unit area was obtained from the use of the Zircon preparation - 161.8 kg/ha, the mass of 1000 seeds - 46.5 grams.
Keywords: Melon culture, growth regulators, organomineral fertilization, methods of application, plant growth and development, yield, quality, seed yield, seed mass.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-91-157-162


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  1. Koleboshina Tatiana Gennadievna, DSc in Agriculture, Leading Researcher; Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production, Bykovskaya bahchyovaya selekcionnaya opytnaya stanciya - filial Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo nauchnogo uchrezhdeniya "Federal'ny jnauchnyj centr ovoshchevodstva".
  2. Shaposhnikov Dmitry Sergeevich, Junior Researcher; Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production, Bykovskaya bahchyovaya selekcionnaya opytnaya stanciya - filial Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo nauchnogo uchrezhdeniya "Federal'ny jnauchnyj centr ovoshchevodstva".
  3. Kobkova Natalya Viktorovna, Senior Researcher; Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production, Bykovskaya bahchyovaya selekcionnaya opytnaya stanciya - filial Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo nauchnogo uchrezhdeniya "Federal'ny jnauchnyj centr ovoshchevodstva".