Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 91

UDC: 633.1:631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Productivity of spring triticale in soil-climatic conditions of the Middle Amur Region

The aim of the research is to study the formation of productivity of samples of spring triticale in the soil and climatic conditions of the Middle Amur Region. Field experiments were performed in 2015-2020. The most favorable conditions developed in 2017 and 2019, the index of environmental conditions was -0.8; -7.6; 8.5; -6.0; 11.0; -4.7 in 2015-2020 respectively. An unstable formation of grain yield of collection samples of spring triticale over the years was noted, the coefficient of variation was 22-60%. The maximum yield of the AC Certa variety (Canada) - 699 g/m2 indicates the high potential of the genotypes of spring triticale in the agro-ecological conditions of the region. As a result of the research, collection samples of spring triticale with a high grain yield (265-330 g/m2) were identified - Dagvo, Zolotoygrebeshok, Rovnya (Russia), Lana, Ulyana, Uzor, Lotos (Belarus), Mykola, Victoria (Ukraine), AC Certa (Canada), Sandio (Switzerland). Samples of triticale are ranked into three groups according to the formation of grain yield: I cluster (varieties Uzor, Lotos, Lana (Belarus), Zolotoygrebeshok, Dagvo (Russia), Mykola (Ukraine), AC Certa (Canada)) with maximum yield in favorable conditions (539 g/m2) and minimum productivity under the influence of unfavorable factors (158 g/m2); II cluster (varieties Rovnya, PamyatMerezhko, ZG 186 (Russia), Losinovsk, Victoria, Zgurivsky (Ukraine), Sandio (Switzerland)) with an average productivity (248 g/m2) and a minimum decrease in yield in limited conditions (168 g/m2); III cluster (varieties Oberigkharkivsky, Kobzar, Korovaikharkivsky (Ukraine), Ulyana (Belarus), Skory, Yarilo (Russia), Tleridal (Switzerland) and the standard variety Ukro) is due to the minimum values of grain yield (154 g/m2). A high ecological plasticity (b≥1) was found in the genotypes Skory, Yarilo, ZG 186 (Russia), Victoria (Ukraine). Variety Victoria (Ukraine) was characterized by a stable formation of yield regardless of growing conditions (σ = 0.99).
Keywords: Triticale, collection samples, yield, Middle Amur Region.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-91-121-126


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  1. Zenkina Kristina Vladimirovna, junior Researcher, Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the FarEastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute» (KhFRC FEB RAS "FIARI").
  2. Aseeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Main Scientist, Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the FarEastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute» (KhFRC FEB RAS "FIARI").