Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 90

UDC: 631.422.82
GSNTI: 68.05.01

Background soil state assessment in the Krymski district of the Krasnodar Territory

The main goal of this work is to carry out a comprehensive ecological assessment of the state of the soil cover of natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Krymsky district. Despite the use of mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of agricultural crops, a negative balance of nutrients develops in the region, soil fertility decreases, and the leaching of nutrients increases. Recently, the anthropogenic load on the natural systems of the Krymsky district has noticeably increased, as well as the irrational use of natural resources, the low rate of implementation of environmental protection measures, all this has led to the degradation of individual ecosystems, a violation of the ecological balance in the natural environment and a negative impact on the health of the population. These facts determined the need for a background assessment of the ecological situation in the Krymsky district and the development on its basis of measures to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the soil cover. The article presents the results of soil cover studies for such substances as mobile phosphorus and potassium. With the cultivation of soils, phosphorus regime improvement is due to the change in the mobility and availability of natural phosphates for plants. In neutral and alkaline soils, calcium and magnesium phosphates predominate, and these are easier absorbed by plants. Variations in indicators of potassium content in soils of natural and agricultural landscapes are insignificant, which indicates a fairly sustainable stability of this element. Slight fluctuations in the minimum and maximum indicators in the soils of natural and agricultural landscapes indicate the supply of plants with potassium. When assessing soils, the reaction of the soil environment is of great importance, which is crutial from the point of view of assessing the soils’ ability to retain and transform pollutants. The acidity of soils was determined in various zones of the district: natural, agrozone, urbozone.
Keywords: Soil cover, mobile phosphorus, potassium, landscapes, zones, pH.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-90-86-90


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  1. Teuchezh Aminet Aslanovna, Phd in Biology, associate professor of the Department of Botany and General Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.