Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 90

UDC: 631.811.96
GSNTI: 61.49.37

The effectiveness of the use of the agrochemical Krezamix brand: Boron on sugar beets of the Oksana variety in the Krasnodar Territory

Our research was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the application of consumption standards 0,1-0,3 - 0,5 l / ha of CRESAMIX agrochemicals brand: Boron on sugar beet of the Oksana variety. The experiment was carried out in the conditions of generally accepted agricultural equipment for sugar beet in the Krasnodar Territory at the experimental field of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation in 2019-2020. The yield of sugar beet in the control version was 50 t/ha. Non-root top dressing with the agrochemical CRESAMIX brand: Boron with a consumption rate of 0.1 l/ha in the 4-6 leaf phase and 0.1 l/ha after 15 days had a positive effect on the structural parameters of sugar beet. Double treatment of sugar beet plants at a consumption rate of 0.3-0.5 l/ha in the development phase of 4-6 leaves and 15 days after the first treatment significantly increased the yield of the crop in relation to the control by 2.1-2.8 t/ha, respectively. When determining sugar in the root crop of sugar beet, it was found that in the control (option without processing), the sugar content was 21.0%, the sugar yield was 10.5 t/ha. According to the results of the conducted studies, it was found that the most effective is the double foliar top dressing of sugar beet plants with the agrochemical CRESAMIX brand: Boron with a consumption rate of 0.5 l/ha. The conditional net income was (5250 rubles), the profitability was 66%. The experimental data obtained allow us to conclude that it is advisable to use the agrochemicals CRESAMIX brand: Boron for double processing of vegetative sugar beet plants with a consumption rate of 0.5 l/ha.
Keywords: Sugar beet (Beta vulgarisL.), non-root top dressing, yield, grade, control, agrochemicals.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-90-71-77


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  1. Podvarko Alexander Trofimovich, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Integrated, Plant Protection of the Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection.
  2. Kustadinchev Alexander Dmitrievich, Student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Korshunov Alexander Andreevich, Phd in Economics, D.N. Pryanishnikov Research Institute of Agrochemistry.
  4. Mukhina Maria Timofeevna, Phd in Biology, Head of the Laboratory, Moscow, D.N. Pryanishnikov Research Institute of Agrochemistry.
  5. Bezruchko Elena Vladimirovna, Head of the Agronomic, Support Service of AgrogalacticaSintez LLC, Moskva.