Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 88

UDC: 663.97(477.9)
GSNTI: 65.57.01

Scientific and economic features of end-to end agricultural and food technologies creation for tobacco products production

The tobacco industry is one of the branches of the Agrarian and Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation, which includes the crop production of tobacco and raw tobacco, as well as the industrial processing of raw materials and the production of tobacco products, the main task of which is to provide the population with high-quality and low-toxic tobacco products. The agricultural crop tobacco is the basis for the emergence and development of the industry; its leaves are used as raw materials for the production of tobacco products. In Russia, 30-35 million people use tobacco products; hence the industry is given special attention, since it produces specific products. In connection with the federal law "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" of December 22, 2008 and the "Framework Convention of the World Health Organization on Tobacco Control" signed by Russia in 2008, and the urgent problem "Tobacco products and health", the industry focuses production on obtaining tobacco products with improved consumer properties and increased safety. As a result, increased attention is paid to the development of end-to-end agro-food technologies, therefore, fundamental and priority applied research is developing in the direction of determining criteria for reducing toxicity and ways to improve production technology. Scientific foundations for the creation and organization of end-to-end agrarian and food technologies for the tobacco industry are created with the ultimate goal - the manufacture of high-quality tobacco products of reduced toxicity. The development of scientific and economic foundations for the organization of end-to-end agrarian and food technologies will ensure an increase in the economic efficiency of the industry and product safety.
Keywords: Industry, tobacco, tobacco industry, crop products, products, end-to-end agro-food technology, economics, production, basics, safety, low toxicity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-88-20-25


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  1. Larkina Natalya Ivanovna, PhD in Biologi, Leading Researcher, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products.
  2. Romanova Nadezhda Konstantinovna, Phd in Economics, Leading Researcher, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products.
  3. Salomatin Vadim Alexandrovich, DSc in Economics, Director, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products.