Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 87

UDC: 633.367
GSNTI: 68.35.03

New narrow - leaf lupin varieties obtained by intraspecific - hybridization

The efficiency of selection work is reflected, which depends on correct choice of selection trend, clear definition of parameters of selected characteristics, selection criteria, methods of creation and evaluation of initial material [2]. Intraspecific hybridization remains one of the main methods of creating new forms of plants resulting from the manifestation of combinational variability in hybrids generations due to the re-combination of allelic genes of selected parents, complementary interaction of non-allelic genes, crosslinking and transgressions [3]. As a result of the selection process, we created and introduced to the State Register of Selection Achievements four quick-ripe varieties, which correspond to all the specified parameters of the new model of the lupine variety. It is the variety Belogorkiy 310 - grain type of use, the variety Oligarch - sideral direction, varieties Chord and Patron - universal type of use. New varieties of narrow-leaf lupin carry genes of resistance to bean cracking and seed showering, different degree of branching determination, high resistance to lodging, diseases, have rapid initial growth, they are early and high-yield, stress-resistant to various environment factors.
Keywords: Narrow-leaf Lupin, selection, intravid hybridization, features, grade, genotype.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-87-79-82


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  1. Lysenko Olga Georgievna, Senior Researcher, Leningrad Research Agriculture Institute Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre.