Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 86

UDC: 631.8.633.853
GSNTI: 61.49.3768.35

Efficiency of using plant growth regulators on soybean crops in the zone of insufficient humidification of Kabardino-Balkaria

Optimization of conditions at the early stages of vegetative organs formation is the most important prerequisite for creating a highly productive agrophytocenosis. In addition to regulating the water and food regimes of soybean plants, the desired result can be achieved by using plant growth regulators. They, when used correctly, contribute to the appearance of thick shoots in a short period. Germination energy increases by 8-12%. Reducing competition between plants for factors that ensure their normal growth and development allows formation of a photosynthetic potential with a large productive potential, including due to more favorable conditions for the the symbiotic apparatus development. When using growth regulators on soybean crops, shoot formation and the formation of more beans and seeds on plants increased. This provided a yield of soybean seeds of at least 2.5 t / ha. In experimental variants with application of growth regulators, the plants had 50-70 beans and more. In addition, due to the symbiotic activity of nodule bacteria, plants fix atmospheric nitrogen, achieving significant savings in mineral nitrogen. It is assumed that one of the promising methodss of the technology is the use of plant growth regulators, which help to increase the productivity of soybeans at minimal cost. Plant growth regulators ensure the appearance of thick shoots, wth high germination energy. The value of the seed yield increases by 8-12%, amounting to at least 2.0-2.5 t / ha, and the economic effect is 20-25 thousand rubles per hectare.
Keywords: Soy, plant growth regulators, yield, chemical composition and physical properties of seeds.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-86-59-63


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  1. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Kabardino-Balkarian state agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov».
  2. Knyazeva Diana Borisovna, post-graduate student, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Kabardino-Balkarian state agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov».