Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 86

UDC: 346.57
GSNTI: 10.53.22

The role of ownership of agricultural organizations in Russia

This scientific article explores the concept of ownership. The main provisions of the theory of property rights are considered. The category under study is presented in both economic and legal terms. The problems of economic evaluation of ownership forms due to their inertia are identified. The main feature that defines and distinguishes different forms of property rights is presented. The basic groups of indicators used in the comparative method of assessing existing forms of ownership of agricultural organizations are reflected. An integral model for evaluating the effectiveness of various ownership forms has been developed. The practical application of the developed model is presented; recommendations are given for the further development of property rights relations. As a result of the study, recommendations are given on improving the interaction between the state and private agricultural organizations. The subject of this scientific study is the relationship between the state and agricultural entities. The object of study is the organizations of the Agarian and Industrial Complex. The purpose of scientific research is to develop a model for assessing the effectiveness of ownership forms of agricultural organizations, on the basis of which the level of their necessary transformation is determined. The methods of scientific research are: comparative analysis, integration method. The result of the study:, an integral model for evaluating the effectiveness of various forms of ownership has been developed on the basis of the conducted analysis. In the practical application of the model, it was revealed that at the moment the most effective form of ownership is a private form of ownership. A proposal has been put forward on the use of state-private partnership for agricultural production, which takes into account the interests of both private and state business entities.
Keywords: Property rights, forms of ownership, state, private form of ownership, economic efficiency, public-private partnership, integral model.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-86-21-25


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  1. Kovalchuk Maxim Dmitrievich, postgraduate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.