Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 86

UDC: 631
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Methodological bases of rice grain quality evaluation in breeding process

The article presents common data on methodological aspects of rice grain quality evaluation in modern breeding process. The system of grain quality traits is a control system in the breeding process when solving problems of developing varieties with a set of certain quality traits for different directions of the variety use. Issues of the methodology for rice quality evaluating include the selection of a set of parameters and methods of evaluation (traditional, methods according to international GOSTs, the latest research methods based on DNA technologies, etc.), mathematical methods of analysis, evaluation under the influence of agro-biological and anthropogenic factors. As a rule, the concept of “rice quality” identifies morphological, physicochemical grain properties and biochemical quality traits. Physicochemical characteristics include technological grain quality traits (grain density, grain vitreousity, grain hardness, calorie content, etc., including the so-called auxiliary traits, for example, the solubility of a polished grain in alkali using Little test), amylographic characteristics of starch dispersion, heat capacity of grain, etc. Morphological characters include those characterizing the shape, color, grain size. The workers of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Rice Centre” have developed a multi-level system for evaluating rice breeding material at the stages of breeding process. At the first stage (collection, nurseries), the genetic material of the collection is characterized by technological quality traits: moisture, vitreousity, fracture, filminess, total milled rice, head rice content, culinary advantages. At the second stage, a study of biochemical quality traits is carried out: amylose and protein content, amylographic characteristics, and characteristics of cleaved grains (microscopy). The third stage provides the most complete information about rice germplasm and includes analytical work related to the classification of varieties in accordance with aggregated indicators.
Keywords: Breeding process, methodology, rice, variety, physicochemical, technological, biochemical quality traits, protein content, amylose content.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-86-126-130


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  1. Tumanyan Natalia Georgievna, DSc in Biology, associate professor, FSBSI "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".
  2. Kumeiko Tatyana Borisovna, Phd in Agriculture, senior scientist, FSBSI "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".