Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 634.11:634.1.15

The influence of the systems of crown formation on yield of apple plantations (Malus domestica Borkh) rootstock on EM-IX

The article presents data of the results of study of influence of different systems of crown formation on the productivity of plantations of Apple trees. Studies conducted in experimental plantings of Apple trees on rootstock EM-IX landing 2013 in the Department of "Crimean experimental station of horticulture" SCIENCE "of NBG-NSC". Studied the following system of forming the crown of a tree: a slender spindle (control), bessedina flattened crown, Trichoderma Krona, French axis. The objects of study are varieties: Braeburn, Dzhalita, Renet Simirenko. The highest yield of the studied variants separated trees varieties of Braeburn in the formation of the slender spindle at 23.1 t/ha, during the formation of basligini flattened crown and 15.3 t/ha and the French axis of 23.1 t/ha. Variety Dzhalita showed the highest yield (9,8 kg/der.) when forming triglycerol of the crown, compared with the control (8.9 kg/der.). The lowest yield of this variety was observed in the formation of French axis (3.8 kg/der. or 9.6 t/ha). The calculation of the specific productivity of plantations of Apple trees depending on the crown shape on the rootstock EM-IX, showed that varieties of Braeburn each 1m2 projection of the crown in the formation of French axis provides receiving 9.8 kg of fruits, and in the formation of slender spindle - 8.6 kg of fruit. The maximum specific crop stress observed in the plantings of the varieties Renet Simirenko (15,1 kg per 1 m2 projection of the crown) in the formation of French axis. The weight of fruit that fills 1 m2 projection of the crown in other forms of the crown in this class varies from 4,3 to 6,5 kg.
Keywords: Аpple, tree, variety, planting types, productivity, productivity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-73-76


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  1. Smykov Anatolij Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Chief Researcher; Laboratory of technologies for growing fruit crops, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  2. Kirichenko Viktoriya Sergeevna, Engineer researcher; Laboratory of technologies for growing fruit crops, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.