Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 634.25: 57.063.7: 631.559 (477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35.03, 68.35.53

Productivity peach cultivars bred and introduced at the Nikita Botanical Garden

The results of evaluating the elements of productivity in peach cultivars of breeding (18 indicators) and introduction (11 indicators) of the Nikita Botanical Garden are presented. The smallest variability was characterized by such signs as yield from a tree, number of fruits, average weight of a fruit, leaf area per unit volume of the crown (FCS), accumulation of dry matter in leaves, and the largest one - surface area of leaves, total number of buds, density of distribution of buds in volume crowns, distribution density of generative buds in the crown volume, weight of fruits per unit area of leaf, seasonal accumulation of dry matter by the total leaf surface, coefficient of productive work of dry mass of the leaf per crop (CPDL), seasonal accumulation of dry matter per unit volume of crown, leaf productivity coefficient (CL). Cultivars were distinguished: Nikitskij Podarok, Naryadnyj Nikitskij, Ulyublenyj, Krymskij Fejerverk, Karnavalnyj, Sejheven and Sunlorenzo, which are at the level of control cultivars in terms of productivity. The factors that have the greatest influence on the overall productivity of plants are determined: yield from a tree, weight of fruits per unit area of leaf, seasonal accumulation of dry matter by the total surface of leaves, seasonal accumulation of dry matter per unit volume of crown, density of distribution of generative buds in the volume of crown (KD), leaf area per unit volume of the crown (FCS), yield per unit volume of the crown (PICV). The productivity elements were found to be significantly correlated with the yield of cultivars: number of fruits, average weight of the fruit, crown volume, total number of buds, number of generative buds, leaf surface area, leaf area per unit volume of crown (FCS), productivity index of crown volume work (PICV).
Keywords: Peach, cultivar, breeding, introduction, productivity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-243-250


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  1. Smykov Anatolij Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Southern Fruit and Nut Fruits, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  2. Mitrofanova Irina Vyacheslavovna, DSc in Biology, head. Department of Plant Development Biology, Biotechnology and Biosafety, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  3. Mesyats Natalya Vasilevna, Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Southern Fruit and Nut Fruits, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  4. Fedorova Olga Stepanovna, Researcher Laboratory of Southern Fruit and Nut Fruits, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.
  5. Ivashchenko Yuliya Aleksandrovna, senior scientist Laboratory of Southern Fruit and Nut Fruits, Federal Research Center Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS.