Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 630*1
GSNTI: 06.01.05

Estimation of selectionmaterial and stain testing of drought-resistant variety of pine Ostrogozhskaya

The first drought tolerant variety is registered in Russia - the pine ‘Ostrogozhskaya’ (patent for selection achievement No. 9187 of July 21, 2017). This paper describes the enough simple method for first selection of trees and populations with increased drought tolerance, seed productivity and average vegetative productivity. Two pine stands - candidates for varieties - in the drought of 2007 and 2010 were selected in its application. Only one population went through variety testing procedure. Scots pine is a perspective species for creating a system of protective and plantation forest crops in the forest-steppe and steppe region of Russia. The specificity of selection for drought tolerance is that the initial estimation of breeding material and the degree of stability to drought is carried out only in droughty years, and varietal testing of grade candidates are conducted in optimal and dry years using a set of standard vegetative and generative criteria. The annual weather observations are part of the breeding process. The orderliness and procedure for diagnostics of candidates of the Scots pine varieties is given. It is shown that the weak and moderate spring-summer drought is the most informative for these aims. The main stages of variety testing related to estimation of stability and reproductive repeatability of valuable properties of a variety are discussed. The selection category “drought tolerant variety” was assigned to the Ostrogozhskaya population, which confirmed its advantages by the seed productivity and drought tolerance compared to local populations of the Central Chernozemic Region in the optimal years, three dry years, and in “parent-progeny” system.
Keywords: Scots pine, adaptive selection, drought tolerance, seed productivity, drought, variety testing.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-104-109


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  1. Kuznetsova Nina Fedorovna, PhD. in Biology, The Federal State Budget Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology”.