Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84


Gaiduk V.I.,

Regional economy in the post-pandemic period (P. 7-10)


Artemova E.I., Plotnikova E.V.,

State support for development agricultural cooperation in the Krasnodar Territory (P. 11-17)

Shevkunenko M.Y., Hovatski A.A.,

Tax evasion at an agricultural enterprise as a threat to economic security (P. 17-20)


Ambartsumova K.A., Toshkina E.A.,

Productivity of annual forage crops in mixed agrocenoses under different seeding methods in the conditions of the Novgorod Region (P. 21-25)

Amelin A.V., Chekalin E.I., Zaikin V.V., Ikusov R.A.,

Responsibility of modern varieties of spring wheat for various lighting intensity (P. 26-31)

Amyaga E.N., Nifontov S.V.,

Genetic characteristics of coniferous trees in some areas of the Far East and their role in landscaping urban landscapes of Khabarovsk (P. 32-36)

Andrushchenko L.M., Fedorova M.D.,

Selection of source material for selection spring bread wheat by economic-valuable signs (P. 36-41)

Arinicheva I.V.,

Modeling laying of cereal under the action of natural factors (P. 41-47)

Arkhipov M.V., Plugatar’ Y.V., Priyatkin N.S., Malko A.M., Gusakova L.P., Potrakhov N.N., Danilova T.A., Schukina P.A., Makrushin N.M.,

X-ray in industrial seed production (P. 48-60)

Arkhipov M.V., Priyatkin N.S., Gusakova L.P.,

Regulatory and methodological basis for express seed inspection in industrial seed production (P. 61-66)

Asadulaev Z.M., Anatov D.M.,

The spread and harmfulness of Moniliosis on apricot trees in the Dagestan (P. 66-71)

Bazarnova Y.G., Kuznetsova T.A., Priyatkin N.S., Staroverov N.E., Khokhlov S.Y.,

Investigation of structural integrity of walnut seeds (Juglans regia L.) from Nikita Botanical Gardens selection by the method ofmicrofocus x-ray radiography technique and computed image images (P. 72-78)

Barchukova A.Y., Chernisheva N.V., Tosunov Y.K.,

Influence of agrochemical Agrolux brand: Agrolux Cucumber on growth, fruit formation, yield and quality of cucumber fruits (P. 79-82)

Baskakova V.L.,

The results of the collection study of moldovan pear varieties and forms in Nikita Botanical Garden (P. 83-87)

Bedlovskaya I.V., Dmitrenko N.N., Dmitrenko A.I.,

Tactics and strategy of potato protection from diseases in the Krasnodar Territory (P. 88-94)

Bragina O.A., Ogly A.M.,

Resistance of rice varieties to the pathogen pyricularia in differentagroecological conditions of Krasnodar Territory (P. 95-99)

Bekish L.P., Uspenskaja V.A.,

Initial material for breeding spring rape (Brassica napus L.) in North-West of Russia (P. 100-104)

Gegechkori B.S., Smolyanaya N.M., Zamotajlov A.C., Tymchik N.Y.,

The prevalence and harmfulness of some bacterial, viral and fungal diseases in the fruiting plantations of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District (P. 105-110)

Goleva G.G., Vashchenko T.G., Pushkareva V.I., Golev A.D.,

The effect of seed size, method of seed calibration and seeding date on the depth of bedding of the tillering node of winter wheat plants in the conditions of the Central Chernozem Region (P. 110-115)

Goncharov S.V., Gorobets A.V., Mazurin E.S., Erofeeva M.G., Barykina Y.A.,

Cereal seed Fusarium Infection in Central Black Soil of Russia (P. 116-120)

Goncharov S.V.,

Wheat breeding innovation of nearest future (P. 121-125)

Gontcharov S.V., Goloschapova N.N.,

Combination ability of sunflower lines, resistant to the new races of downy mildew (P. 126-129)

Goncharova J.K., Ochkas N.A., Kharitonov E.M., Bragina O.A.,

Сreation of a rice breeding procedure for adaptability to reduced irrigation rates (P. 130-134)

Goncharova J.K., Kharitonov E.M., Gapishko N.I.,

Theoretical and methodological bases of creation of the internal and external markets of rice varieties (P. 135-140)

Goncharova J.K., Bragina O.A., Ochkas N.A.,

Technological basis for the protection of agricultural plants from diseases on the example of rice (P. 141-146)

Dubachinskaya N.N., Dubachinskaya N.N., Tishkov N.I., Tishkov D.N., Kosilov A.V.,

Influence of agroecological factors on the productivity of grain crop varieties and efficiency of their use in seed production of the steppe zone of Preduralye (P. 147-153)

Yevdokimova Z.Z., Kalashnik M.V.,

Evaluation of the hybrid material of potatoes by the productivity, of its elements, precocity (P. 154-157)

Zenkina K.V., Aseeva T.A.,

Efficiency of triticale cultivation in the Far East (P. 158-163)

Kazydub N.G., Kuzmina S.P., Ufimtseva S.V., Smirnov I.V.,

Study of some receipts of making new varieties of fruits on seeds in conditions of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia (P. 164-168)

Kamalov R.M., Kamalova I.I.,

Genetic parameters of the series of progeny tests plus oak trees Quercus robur L (P. 168-173)

Kantsayeva U.I., Komar-Tyomnaya L.D.,

Morphological and biological characteristics of Chаenomeles Lindl. and their importance for variety testing on distinctness, uniformity and stability (P. 173-178)

Kobkova N.V., Galichkina E.A., Malueva S.V.,

Application of innovative technologies in seed production (P. 179-183)

Korotenko T.L., Sadovskaya L.L., Yurchenko S.A.,

Morphological properties of seedlings, seed viability and biological productivity potential of rice varieties of different ripeness groups (P. 184-190)

Kravchenko R.V., Skamarokhova A.S.,

Influence of mineral fertilizers and varieties on productivity of winter vetch-wheat grass mixtures (P. 191-197)

Makrushin N.M., Plugatur Y.V., Malko A.M., Zamotajlov A.S., Makrushina E.M., Gridnev A.K., Androsova O.V., Ignatova M.I., Mochalova E.N., Shabanov R.Y., Klitsenko O.A., Mayorova M.V.,

Historical review and prospects for the further development of the ontogenesis doctrine (P. 197-214)


Balakirev N.A., Khairullin D.D., Gubeeva E.G., Shakirov S.K., Sharafutdinov G.S., Kashaeva A.R.,

Histological characteristics of white rats’ liver with long-term use of UVMC "Lizunets" (P. 215-221)

Karatunov V.A., Tuzov I.N., Chernyshkov A.S.,

Efficiency of using different component mineral additives for feeding lacting cows (P. 222-227)

Krasochko P.A., Kuzmenko P.M., Kapitonova E.A., Chernykh O.Y., Lysenko A.A., Neverova O.P.,

Influence of the new synbiotic on resistance indicators and metabolism of broilers (P. 228-235)

Kuzmenko N.I., Ratoshny A.N.,

Influence of different levels of raw fiber in the diets of Japanese quail on the chemical composition of eggs and blood biochemical parameters (P. 236-241)

Koshchaev A.G., Patieva T.P., Neverova O.P.,

The influence of betaine on productive and technological indicators of poultry (P. 242-246)

Krivonogova A.S., Romanova A.S., Isaeva A.G., Moiseeva K.V., Pashtetsky V.S.,

Prospects for the use of phytobiotics in dairy farming (P. 246-254)

Kuzminova E.V., Semenenko M.P., Bolotsky I.A., Kudinova S.P., Bogosyan A.A., Lazarevich L.V.,

Adaptogumin: spectrum of pharmacodynamic effects (P. 254-260)

Chernykh O.Y., Shevchenko A.A., Shevchenko L.V., Drobin Y.D.,

Epizootic situation on invasive diseases in the north Caucasus region (P. 261-265)

Semenenko M.P., Lanets O.V., Kuzminova E.V., Bogosyan A.A., Kryukov N.I., Inyukina T.A.,

Variability of blood homeostasis indicators of laboratory rats under stress conditions and their pharmacological correction (P. 266-273)